Transition to College MATC, MPS, UWM NSF Site Visit June 2005 Transition to College MATC, MPS, UWM
Key Points Background Information MMP programs currently in place Plans for the future and current challenges
Background Information MATC & UWM parallel course offerings Placement data
Current MMP Programs Publicizing the nature of placement tests High school intervention pilot projects Mathematics Placement Enhancement Program (PEP) at UWM
Publicizing the Nature of Placement Tests IHE Network conference Placement test workshop at UWM MPS in-service professional development days
High School Intervention Math warm-ups at Bradley Tech Early Mathematics Placement Test (EMPT) at Rufus King
Placement Enhancement Project Identified > 1000 students whose records indicated that math placement should have been higher. Contacted these students advising them to retest. Follow up with phone calls, emails Use EMPT, give students testing strategies. Evaluate Student Success in Future
Challenges and Future Projects Getting Statewide Data on College Choices and Test Performance Expand Projects to More Schools with our Limited Resources Assess Impact of Projects Determine Appropriate Post-Sophomore Year Work for MPS Students
Profile of Students Contacted
ACT Scores for 090
ACT Scores for 095
ACT Scores for 105/106/175
ACT Scores for PreCalc
ACT Scores for Calculus, but not honors