The pirates treasure. By Stuart .L
Chapter 1 The pirate ship bored a Coarsen ship carrying treasure to England. Captain long Jack saw a gold coin then he set the traders ships on fire. Then they saw a bottle so they decided to take the bottle they took the message out and to their surprised it was a map.
Chapter 2 The captain took his compass out and said “arrh, we found a map lets go find the treasure and if you do not follow you will be hollowed out of cannon understand”. The crew said “that’s sounds good” They had to endure five mouths of ruff sea and they were running low on supplies so they docked a port that was not under the navies watch.
Chapter 3 They when to slum a sock on supplies and they got: cooked porkchop,cooked beef, cooked fish, cooked chicken and fruit. After five mouths they finally found their destination.
Chapter 4 After they ported the ship the captain said “we are finally here now let’s see what the map says 40 paces to the left then 10 passes straight then 1 set south”, “then go back 5 paces west and stop”. “Arr, the treasure is right under, now get yourselves over here and dig or ye get no food for tonight!”
Chapter 5 Soon after 30 minutes of digging and puffing they finally found the chest inside there was diamonds, gold, emerald, Redstone and lapis lazuli and they quickly loaded it onto the ship and got away before any other pirates came and found them.
The end