Vocabulary 3/30/15 Home on the Prairie
Home on the Prairie VIP Vocabulary Information Picture
Prairie A large grassland area
Cart Something used to carry heavy objects
Hauling To move heavy objects
Private Something that is all yours that you share with no one else.
Oatmeal Oats and water mixed together to make a breakfast meal
Swallows A type of bird often seen in the south
Magnifying Glass A glass that is used to see things up close
Playroom A room in your house that is used just to play in
Suggested Giving someone some advice that they don’t have to follow but it might help
Sigh A deep breath that is let out
Buzzing A noise made by a bug, usually a bee
Stare Blankly To look at someone like you do not know what they are talking about
Front porch A deck on the front of a house
Carting Moving things from one place to another
Gleam Something that is shining from a light source like the sun, very bright
Ant Farm A container made to house ants so you can watch them work and live