Journal Entry 4/18/13 What are the five main causes of the Great Depression? How did the New Deal create a stronger and bigger government? Is that good.


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Presentation transcript:

Journal Entry 4/18/13 What are the five main causes of the Great Depression? How did the New Deal create a stronger and bigger government? Is that good or bad? Why? How do dictators come to power and why?

World War 2

How Did It Start? German people are upset about losing WW1 All of Europe in a depression, especially Germany who was paying all of Europe’s war debts. Dictators emerged in Germany (Hitler), Italy (Mussolini), and Japan (Hirohito) who screamed nationalism and glory. All three countries became aggressive especially Germany as Hitler took back all that was taken in the Versailles treaty.

Major Leaders Benito Mussolini Joseph Stalin Adolf Hitler Hideki Tojo Italy, Joseph Stalin USSR, Communism Adolf Hitler Germany, Nazism, Aryans, Hideki Tojo Japan Winston Churchill Great Britain Franklin Delano Roosevelt USA

Who’s Involved? Allies Axis Germany Italy Japan Great Britain Russia USA France (France surrendered to Germany in 1940, after 6 weeks of fighting)

Peace at What Price? Few Nations wanted war so Germany was left alone (Appeasement in a political context, is a diplomatic policy of making political or material compromise to a dictatorial power (or powers) in order to avoid a threatened conflict)

Hitler created Nazi Party and wanted to cleanse the world of certain groups of people especially Jews who were put in concentration camps. He killed 6 million of them in these camps which was called the Holocaust.

War Begins September 1st, 1939 Hitler attacks Poland causing Britain and France to declare war. Germany controls all of Europe by 1941 leaving England alone against the German War Machine Japan joins Italy and Germany to create Axis Power

Mistakes are Made! America is selling supplies to allies but staying Isolationist (America staying out of world affairs) Dec 1940 Britain runs out of funding Lend-Lease Act: lend or lease arms to any country considered, “ vital to the defense of the US” Needed to keep Brits fighting so we wouldn’t have to $40 Billion  allies Eventually went to Soviet Union and China as well

December 7th 1941 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor killing 2,500 Americans with no warning pulling America into war against Axis Power. 1942 Hitler makes mistake and attacks Russia pulling them into war

Allies Fight and Win D-Day- Invasion day for allied forces on German controlled France. June 6th 1944. Allied forces roll through Europe and defeat Germany by May, 1945. Video 6:22

America Turns to Japan and Finishes the Job Island Hopping- Attacking Japan island by island until they reached Japan America dropped 2 Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki forcing Japan to surrender. WW2 ends with Japan’s surrender on August 11th, 1945 Nuremburg Trials were set up to try German military leaders for war crimes – 36 Germans and 7 Japanese were executed.

North Carolina During Great Depression 194 banks and 438 loan companies closed. Lots of North Carolina families lost homes, Businesses, and farms. Shortages caused the movement of people to mill towns but even the cash crop farms were affected . Governor Gardner created the Live at Home program teaching people how to be subsistence farmers. New deal programs helped NC citizens CCC Paid people to plant trees, fix roads and other state work. National Youth Association gave many students money to go to college. WPA hired people to interview and write lives of people . Rural Electrification Administration- paid people to help electrify rural parts of the state.

North Carolina During the War Torpedo Junction- German submarine activity that took place off the coast of Cape Hatteras. Hospitals set up to take care of hurt/ burnt soldiers who were trying to protect ships off Carolina coast. Millions of troops trained at bases in North Carolina. 2 billion dollars came to North Carolina for War effort pulling them out of the Depression. One million men and women from North Carolina were part of the War effort.