Treasurer Report Anant Sahai
Reserves and 2008 Real Surplus: 343K Market Loss: 1.2M Total Market gain since 2002: ~0.4M New Reserves: 1.8M We are safe, but IEEE is below 50% ratio.
2009 Budget Highlights $114K Budgeted Surplus 50K anticipated from conferences (ITW-V, ISIT, ITW-T) So a built-in 64K Margin to absorb potential losses $145K Initiative and Committee budget $15K: Student committee $10K: Outreach $20K: IT Schools $20K: Web and online (10K steady + 10K continued work) $20K: Awards $25K: BoG and officer meetings, IEEE meetings, etc. Another $35K: budgeted for unspecified initiatives this year (like Web Phase II, distinguished lectures, extra to schools, etc.)
2009 Implications We can spend money on new initiatives: upto 99K $35K in budget: e.g. $25K for Dist. Lectures+ $10K schools $64K of safety margin if conferences don't go negative Conference losses: lower attendance? ITWs in Europe & ISIT in Korea Currency Fluctuations: Won has fallen about 33% against the dollar since crisis Paper submissions are good so no warning signs for losses. Will membership drop too if don't need reg. discount? No ability to safely go net-negative this year.
Long Term Planning $227K Budgeted for 2009 from conferences in Xplore $110K of that is our fair share based on ISITs and ITWs The Transactions are the biggest source of money for us Xplore: per-pdf-download: ~70c in 2007, ~54c in 2008. Xplore: per-paper: ~$0.7K in 2008 (not per page) Nonmember subscriptions: about $1K per sub By 2012, the “unfair” conference $120K will be gone. We will then have a structural budgetary hole of -55K Must reinstate 10% surplus requirement on conferences Improve Transactions revenue: more papers, more clicks Might need to raise fees/prices