Mrs. Laura Worrall (775)746-5880 ext 32138 AP STATISTICS Mrs. Laura Worrall (775)746-5880 ext 32138
Background BS and MS in math (UNR) Student taught at McQueen in 1993 Began teaching here in 1994 Taught here from 1994 – 2007 Took a little break 2007 - 2010 Couldn’t stay away 2010- present Seventeen years at McQueen, ten years teaching AP STAT As long as I am teaching, McQueen is where I will be.
Homework Assigned Daily Graded on accuracy not completion Corrections are allowed throughout the week Usually homework is collected on Fridays
Exams Exams are given as unit tests. The AP book is broken down into units. For example, the first unit exam consists of chapters 1 – 6. Each unit exam counts as 200 points. We will cover 27 chapters throughout the year (17 of these will be completed first semester). Quiz values vary depending on the length and content of each quiz.
PASSES A homework pass can be used to turn in a late assignment for full credit. A hall pass can be used when the student needs to leave the classroom. If these passes are not used, they are worth extra points at the end of the semester.
TI Graphing Calculator A TI 83 or 84 Graphing Calculator is required in this course. A TI-89 is acceptable. A large portion of this course deals with the statistical software that is installed on these calculators.
Extra Help I am available during lunch on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays. Please don’t hesitate to email me. This is the best way to communicate.
My Success Rate I expect great things this year and will shoot for a 100% pass rate! McQueen has awesome students and I have no doubt in my mind that McQueen can meet this goal! My pass rate average is 90% for the ten years I’ve been teaching AP STAT. Last year, 1/3 of my students received a score of 5.
AP EXAM The AP exam will be on May 9, 2013. The cost of the AP exam is $89, at this point.
Grading Policy Traditional Scale Tests: 65% Homework: 10% Quizzes: 10% Final Exam: 15%
Website for notes and power points This is where students can obtain documents for reviewing course content, such as power points for each unit and summaries for each unit. The assignments are posted. All AP released exams are posted here as well.
TEXTING: remind101 If you wish to receive reminder texts for your student then text @mcqapstat To (702)830-7493 Please only subscribe if you want to receive reminders about upcoming quizzes and exams. Most students have already subscribed.
Everything happens for a reason. I teach because I believe this is what I was meant to do. I love the kids. I love my subject area. As long as I have this connection and passion, I will be teaching. I believe I can touch the life of each one of my students and I know that each one of them has something different to contribute to my classroom. I have a choice and my choice is to teach.
Bingo Night THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 Fundraiser for the Math Dept. Fun Prizes Bring the whole family! Doors open at 5:30, first game at 6.