Pacific Hazardous Waste Management Programme (PACWASTE) Steering Committee Meeting September 2013
Pacific Hazardous Waste Management Programme (PACWASTE) Chair’s Opening Remarks
Pacific Hazardous Waste Management Programme (PACWASTE) Background to the Project IIeana Miritescu, Programme Manager, Delegation for the European Union for the Pacific
Background SPREP Meetings have placed a priority on the improvement of management of hazardous waste in the Pacific In response, funding was subsequently successfully sought from the EU and awarded in 2013
The Process ID Fiche prepared in 2010 (with a biodiversity focus; rejected) ID Fiche prepared in 2011 (waste focus only; accepted) Country expressions of interest called for in 2011-2012 Action Fiche completed 2012 Contribution Agreement signed in May 2013
PACWASTE Programme (2013-2017) Objective: To support Pacific ACP countries' efforts to adopt cost-effective and self-sustaining priority waste management systems Focuses on three hazardous waste streams (asbestos, e-waste and medical waste) that are considered priority regional waste streams and Are not currently adequately funded through other programmes
Pacific Hazardous Waste Management Programme (PACWASTE) The Programme and Country Priorities David Haynes, Director, Waste Management and Pollution Control Division
PACWASTE Programme (2013-2017) Four Results 1. Pacific regional hazardous waste status and management options assessed and prioritized 2. Best available practices in priority hazardous waste management implemented in demonstration Pacific countries 3. Enhanced capacity and appropriate policies and regulatory frameworks in place to mitigate and better manage hazardous waste streams achieved in Pacific island countries 4. Improved regional collaboration and information exchange on hazardous waste management practices
PACWASTE Programme (2013-2017) Budget: 7,850,000 Euros Fourteen Pacific island country partners and Timor Leste Improved management of priority hazardous wastes Provide healthcare waste disposal infrastructure and training Stabilise and/or remove asbestos from island communities Develop mechanisms to sustainably recycle E-waste Small demonstration integrated atoll waste management project
Country Priorities PACWASTE interventions will be based on a comprehensive regional risk and priority assessment (First Year of Project) Country priorities in the areas of asbestos, E-waste and healthcare waste management were sought from the 15 eligible ACP countries in 2011/2012 Responses were received from 10 of the 15 eligible ACP countries
Country Asbestos E-Waste Healthcare Cook FSM Fiji Kiribati RMI Nauru Niue Palau PNG Samoa Solomon Is Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Pacific Hazardous Waste Management Programme (PACWASTE) The First Year Work Programme David Haynes, Director, Waste Management and Pollution Control Division
Healthcare Waste Programme Healthcare waste management is a regional priority and includes expired drugs Focus on base and referral hospitals $US3M identified for the programme Outcomes 1. Regional healthcare waste management survey 2. Upgrade of disposal facilities across the region 3. Worker training in infection control 4. Protective equipment 5. Stockpile removal
First Year Healthcare Waste Programme Collation and review of information on the distribution and management of health care waste in the region Concurrent review of best-practice management (policy/regulations) Regional health care waste assessment will be tendered in October 2013 Final regional reports available April 2014 Will prioritise second years work (2014-2015)
Country Asbestos E-Waste Healthcare Atoll Cook FSM Fiji Kiribati RMI Nauru Niue Palau PNG Samoa Solomon Is Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Country Asbestos E-Waste Healthcare Atoll Cook FSM Fiji Kiribati RMI Nauru Niue Palau PNG Samoa Solomon Is Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Asbestos Programme Asbestos is a legacy historical waste in the region Occupied dwellings and disaster stockpiles $US2.5M identified for the programme Outcomes 1. Regional asbestos survey 2. Priority stabilisation works 3. Worker training 4. Protective equipment 5. Limited stockpile removal
First Year Asbestos Programme Collation and review of information on the distribution of asbestos containing building materials in the region Concurrent review of best-practice management (and policy/reulations) Regional asbestos assessment will be tendered in October 2013 Final regional reports available April 2014 Will prioritise second years work (2014-2015)
Country Asbestos E-Waste Healthcare Atoll Cook FSM Fiji Kiribati RMI Nauru Niue Palau PNG Samoa Solomon Is Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Country Asbestos E-Waste Healthcare Atoll Cook FSM Fiji Kiribati RMI Nauru Niue Palau PNG Samoa Solomon Is Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
E-waste Programme equipment obsolescence and adoption of new E-waste is an emerging regional problem due to equipment obsolescence and adoption of new technology $US1.5 M identified for the programme Outcomes: 1. E-waste surveys in priority countries 2. E-waste regulation development 3. Construction of E-waste collection points 4. Training in best-practices in E- waste management 5. Assistance with the export (if necessary) of old stockpiles in some countries 6. Co-ordinated with existing SAICM project
First Year E-waste Programme Collation and review of regional information on the status of E-waste management (and policy/regulations) in Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Palau This will compliment 2013 SAICM work in Cooks, Kiribati, Samoa and Tonga Assessment will be tendered in October 2013 Final reports available April 2014 Will prioritise second years work (2014-2015)
Country Asbestos E-Waste Healthcare Atoll Cook FSM Fiji Kiribati RMI Nauru Niue Palau PNG Samoa Solomon Is Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Country Asbestos E-Waste Healthcare Atoll Cook FSM Fiji Kiribati RMI Nauru Niue Palau PNG Samoa Solomon Is Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Atoll Waste Programme Development of an integrated atoll waste management system is a regional priority $US500,000 identified for this programme Outcomes 1. Location selection 2. Priority infrastructure works 3. Worker training 4. Protective equipment 5. Recycling programmes 6. Regulation and policy assistance
First Year Atoll Waste Programme Collation and review of regional information Selection assessment based on: 1. Atoll population size 2. Availability of supporting solid waste management policy framework 3. Comparison of current waste management practices and associated environmental/health risks 4. Existence of supporting programmes such as recycling and composting 5. History of recent (< 5 years) solid waste management interventions 6. Critical evaluation of potential for success Will prioritise second years work (2014-2015)
Country Asbestos E-Waste Healthcare Atoll Cook FSM Fiji Kiribati RMI Nauru Niue Palau PNG Samoa Solomon Is Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Assistance Summary Country GEFPAS SAICM AFD EDF10 Asbestos E-Waste Healthcare Solid Waste Aid Cook FSM Fiji Kiribati RMI Nauru Niue Palau PNG Samoa Solomon Is Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Pacific Hazardous Waste Management Programme (PACWASTE) Programme Oversight IIeana Miritescu, Programme Manager, Delegation for the European Union for the Pacific
Key considerations for country assistance: Improvement of national policy and regulations = a condition for implementation of demonstration actions - Demonstrated commitment to on-ground programme assistance, the 2011/2012 request for information was part of this demonstration
Programme Oversight Project Steering Committee: Responsible for : project oversight and validation of project direction review of annual project outcomes Meets annually at the SPREP Meeting, and includes: SPREP Project Team Rep from RAO (PIFS) Rep from each country EU representative
Programme Oversight Project Technical Committee: Responsible for technical advice to guide best practice within the project. Meets quarterly Proposed membership: Healthcare waste management (WHO) E-waste management (Griffith University) Asbestos (NZ Environment Dept/WHO) Atoll Waste Management (JICA)
Pacific Hazardous Waste Management Programme (PACWASTE) Programme Progress Todate David Haynes, Director, Waste Management and Pollution Control Division
Assembling the Project Team The PACWASTE project is managed through a SPREP team: Senior Project Adviser (project management and technical expertise) Project Officer (project administration and technical support) Based in SPREP and become an integral part of SPREP's waste management team Report to the Waste Management and Pollution Control Division Director The implementation team will also work closely with SPREPs Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management Advisers to access their specific waste management expertise
Progress since May 2013 Contribution Agreement signed 17th May 2013 Project Manager recruited Project Officer under recruitment Asbestos, E-waste and health care waste regional assessment tenders prepared and will be released following the SC Meeting Selection of demonstration atoll site underway First Steering Committee held Sept 2013 Technical Committee under recruitment
Next steps Regional assessment completed (March/April 2014) Incountry assistance prioritised (March/April 2014) Selection of demonstration atoll site completed (2013) Second year work programme developed (April 2014) Technical Committee confirms work programme (April 2014) Second year work programme endorsed by the Steering Committee (2014) Second year programme commenced (2014)
Pacific Hazardous Waste Management Programme (PACWASTE) Discussion and any clarifications
Thanks for your attention!
Pacific Hazardous Waste Management Programme (PACWASTE) Next meeting and closing remarks