Miss Marohl’s Class Week of April 1st Check out our website for any information you may need – book orders, lunch/breakfast menus, spelling words, etc… 04/04: Talent Show Audition (TBD after school) 04/12: PTO Family Movie Night & Empty Bowls donation (6:30 – 8:30) 04/15: Grant & Tessa’s Birthday! 04/16: PTO Meeting (6:30) 04/18: Early Release @ 1:30pm 04/19 – 04/22: HAPPY EASTER 04/23: Skate City Party 04/23 – 04/25: Tiger Trek 04/25: Emmett’s Birthday! 04/25: Talent Show Performance 05/01: Sophia’s Birthday! 05/03: Father/Daughter Dance! 05/10: Field Day! 05/14: PTO Meeting PEEK AT OUR WEEK AHEAD Reading: Sequence of Events Writing: Personal Narrative Grammar: Indefinite Pronouns Phonics: oo, ou, ew, long u patterns Math: Place Value Science: Needs of Living & Nonliving Things Social Studies: Maps & Globes Please remember to check the T.IG.E.R. Folder each night! Remember to practice tying shoes!
Miss Marohl’s Class Week of April 1st Peek at our Week Miss Marohl’s Class Week of April 1st Spelling Words Surfer of the Week Ella Zahrbock! Yellow List Purple List Liked 1. soon Using 2. too Riding 3. new Chased 4. moon Making 5. noon Closed 6. blew Hoping 7. zoo Hiding 8. soup Standing 9. you asked 10. boot Yellow List Sentence: The country is great for riding, standing, and relaxing. PUrple List Sentence: The new zoo is almost ready. School News Please see Tiger Tuesday sent out every Tuesday and the Flyers tab on our website for updates on school happenings! OTHER NEWS Your child was given a pre-test on Thursday/Friday this past week. This pre-test will predetermine what spelling list they are ready to learn. These spelling words will not be handed out until Monday, after we have gone over the word study skill. They are to complete ALL of their red notebook activities at home. Words to Know Ready country soil covers earth kinds Warms almost Lunch Menu Monday: Crispitos OR Chicken Nuggets Tuesday: Pancake OR French Toast Sticks Wednesday: Chicken Alfredo w/Breadstick OR Hot Dog Thursday: Mandarin Orange Chicken w/Rice OR Turkey Sub Sandwich Friday: Homestyle Macaroni & Cheese OR Pepperoni Pizza