On the farm
Friday 2 February Why study plants and farming? SLO: To gain an understanding of the importance of plants, farming and our food. Introduction: Why are plants important? What do we use plants for? List on board How do we feed the world in 2050? Videos: Feed the world 2050 Feeding the world
Wednesday 7 February Photosynthesis and Respiration SLO: Describe how plants photosynthesise. Organising folders and achievement tracking sheets. Plant diagram – paste into books. Review photosynthesis. The equation/why is it important/what it does (notes). What is respiration? The equation. Elodea experiment – set-up (planning). Pg 33 ES Read and summarise key points. Q’s 6,7&8
Thursday 8 February The role of photosynthesis and respiration SLO: Describe how plants respire. Pop quiz. Set-up Elodea experiment (or check) Plants in your bedroom? Why/why not? Discuss. The Carbon Cycle – diagram/video The Carbon cycle How plants store food. The iodine test (potatoes)
Friday 9 February Re-cap of what has been learnt so far 1. Complete questions 6,7,8 – write into books 2. Pg 35 – get them to write up the heading ‘Leaves’. Using a full page in your book, and pencil, copy D – the diagram of the inside of a leaf and label it. 3. Read pgs 34-35 as a class, then complete questions 1-10.
Tuesday 13 February Leaf structure 1 SLO: Describe the structure of plant leaves. .Going over answers from Friday Class discussion – what is the role of plant leaves? Leaf structure – leaves are solar-powered sugar factories. Video Leaf structure Read and summarise pgs 34-35 ES 9 Answer the questions pgs 34-35 Draw and label leaf diagram, pg 35 Read and answer questions pg 31 Start making 3D model of a leaf Homework: Review keywords so far
Wednesday 14 February Leaf structure 2 SLO: Describe the structure of plant leaves. 3D model. Leaf structure video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvAX3tyKQsg Write job descriptions (summaries) for leaf structures. Quiz on leaf structure functions. Finish write – up for Elodea experiment.
Thursday 15 February A closer look at leaves SLO: Describe the structure of plant leaves, and observe under a microscope. What do leaves and Chelsea food factories have in common? Quick quiz. Experiment: ‘Cells under the microscope’ Copy instructions into book. Working in small groups carry out experiment. Clean up.
Friday 16 February Drawing plant leaves SLO: Describe the structure of plant leaves. Collect several leaves from around the school. Carefully look at the detail, including the veins/midrib (the transport system) and make biological drawings of each. Colour and cut out your leaf.
Tuesday 20 February What plants need SLO: To investigate the requirements for plant growth. Get into set groups/An overview of the task: Which seeds? How many? Light or dark? Full shade or sun? Soil or no soil? Wet or dry? Set-up seeds to grow. Copy table into book for results. Homework: Friday 23rd February (hand in on named piece of paper).
Plant race Date Number of germinated seeds Average height of germinated seeds (mm) Drawing of healthiest plant
Wednesday 21 February The seed SLO: Know the parts of a seed and the requirements for seed germination. Seed germination videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKo5F87A8a0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoMEYU8k1ec Draw and label a seed. What makes seeds germinate? Discussion and notes. Questions Pop quiz
Thursday 22 February Transpiration SLO: To understand how water is transported around a plant. Complete activity sheet from yesterday. How is water transported around a plant? Discussion, ppt, notes. Transpiration videos – key ideas from each. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4rzLhz4HHk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5yRMqaDHN4 Pop quiz.
Friday 23 February Athletics
Tuesday 27 February Plant roots and Food Chains SLO: Describe the structure of plant roots. Use food webs to explain changes to the environment. Functions of the roots and root drawing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3OdquDWI38 Food chains – ‘Who ate Peter Plankton? What are food chains and why are they important when considering farming? Food chains and webs ppt. The effect of moving one or more species. Homework: 9Cd(2) Farming for wildlife – cut and paste. Complete in books. Due date Friday 2 March
Wednesday 28 February (last day of Summer) Using Science to improve crops SLO: Describe how farmers use science to improve crops. Check seeds – record numbers, average height and draw best seedling. Finish food chain sheet. Discuss: Why do we want science to improve crops? How do farmers improve their crops? Improving crops Jigsaw activity in groups. Read pgs 38-39 in textbook and do questions. Other technologies? Vertical farming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_tvJtUHnmU Organic versus conventional farming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi_jtoHENW4 Homework: 9Cd(2) Farming for wildlife – cut and paste. Complete in books. Due date Tuesday 6 March
Thursday 1 March Alternative farming methods SLO: Describe how scientists use Science to improve crops.