Letter to the Teacher IN LETTER FORMAT: Begin with “Dear Miss/Ms./Mrs. ____________, If you were to ask my former English teachers about me, they would say I’m __________ because __________. Please address the following: Do you like English? Why or why not? What are some of your strengths? You MUST list at least ONE! What are some of your struggles? If you had to pick one thing you “don’t mind” in English, what would it be and why? What are some bad habits or outside influences that may interfere with your achievement of these goals? How can I help you? What concerns do you have? Tell me a bit about yourself… What are your extracurricular activities, hobbies, etc.? What are some things you are “good” at? (does not have to be school-related) What are some of your goals/dreams? Do you have a lifetime goal or dream?