Army Emergency Relief
Army Emergency Relief Incorporated in February 1942 for the purpose of collecting and holding funds to relieve the distress of members of the Army and their dependents.
AER Organization Private, non-profit organization Operates under AR 930-4 Receives no federal funding Commanders must provide staff and facilities
AER Eligibility Active duty and their dependents Reservists and NG on continuous active duty for more than 30 days and their dependents Retirees and their dependents Widow(ers) and orphans of eligible members
Policies Each case is considered on its own merit Only for valid emergency needs Borderline decisions favor applicant Situation must develop after entry on active duty Assistance only to and for ID Card holders
Non-receipt of pay Does not include instances of no pay due because of garnishment, forfeiture of pay, etc. Applies only when soldier did not receive pay due to finance error, etc.
Loss of funds Applies to loss or theft of funds Funds are not replaced; assistance may be given for specific needs only Police report may be required
Medical, dental, hospital Cannot pay debts Only authorized to allow patient to receive medically necessary treatment Documentation from doctor or dentist may be required
Funeral Expense Can only pay for required expenses which must be prepaid before burial Paid directly to mortuary Soldier must be responsible for the cost of burial
Emergency Travel Usually due to death or serious illness AER will arrange travel All travel is funded for round trip Cannot reimburse for tickets bought on internet, through agents, etc.
Rent or Mortgage Cannot pay in advance Must confirm with landlord Must be appropriate for income Paid directly to landlord
Food Funds provided for food only until next payday Unit may be asked to confirm need
Utilities Includes electricity, natural gas, and water and sewage No telephone, cable, etc. Bills must be for current residence
Essential POV POV must be essential for travel to and from work, school, doctor, etc. No collision repairs (deductible only) Estimate will be required Vehicle must be worth repairing
Assistance Not Authorized Ordinary leave Liquidation of debts Court fees, fines, legal expenses Purchase of POV Continuing assistance Bad checks
Application Procedure Prepare form DA 1103 Obtain commander’s signature Provide appropriate documentation After hours, contact Center Duty Officer Available through Red Cross if not near a military installation
For more information… Call us at 791-3579 Office is located in Darling Hall, Room 367 Application is available online