NETIQUETTE Pn. Jamilah Binti Yusof
LEARNING OUTCOMES Explain the meaning of Netiquette List out the Dos and Don’ts while communicating online Adhere to netiquette in various forms of online communication
NETIQUETTE Netiquette is “internet etiquette”, the good manners used by people when communicating online. It is a guide of dos and don’ts for the user when sending or distributing e-mail, or chatting. For example, if you forward photographs of your friends to others without permission, you have violated netiquette.
For example, if you forward photographs of your friends to others without permission, you have violated netiquette.
DOS AND DON’TS Do unto others, as you'd have others do unto you Be polite and courteous at all times. Remember that you are not communicating with a computer screen, but with a human being who has thoughts and feelings just like you. So, always think of the person on the receiving end of your messages
Do not post or mail anything that can hurt a person’s feelings Do not post or mail anything that can hurt a person’s feelings. It is not good to hurt other people’s feelings. Do not read other people’s private email or post their messages and photographs to others without first getting their permission.
DOS AND DON’TS To emphasize a word when communicating online Use asterisks (*), like *this* or lines (_), like _this_ for emphasis
DOS AND DON’TS Hard to interpret written word Sometimes responses can come across as mean or rude, even when not intend. Use emoticons (visual clues) in e-mails, to avoid confusion
Do not use rude or bad language online Many providers will terminate your account.
DOS AND DON’TS Don't break any laws When you are on the net, follow the same rules of behaviour that you would in real life. Know where you are in cyberspace as netiquette varies from domain to domain.
Do not go against the law in cyberspace
DOS AND DON’TS Be universal Use common Web browsers, online service, e-mail program, and text formatting such as font type – Arial.
Do not send out e-mail with different text formatting -- boldface, italics, indentations, etc. -- because many other programs will not be able to read the formatting and the recipients will receive your e-mail filled with muddled codes (for example □□□□□…… ).
DOS AND DON’TS Be brief whenever possible Keep your message short. Edit out unimportant information and anything that is repeated.
Do not write unnecessary information
DOS AND DON’TS Always identify yourself Use your online name consistently
Never send e-mail without including your name at the bottom of the e-mail. Do not post forum messages without identifying yourself.
DOS AND DON’TS Make a good impression Use good language; correct grammar and spelling. Use proper paragraphing to make reading easy.
Do not use too long sentences with many grammatical and spelling mistakes.
DOS AND DON’TS Be patient with newcomers Learning the rules of cyberspace is much like learning a new language; it takes practice, and includes making mistakes. Guide the newbie politely to the right direction. Give them a copy of the rules to get them started on their way. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes.
If they make any mistakes (go against the netiquette), do not put them down.
NETIQUETTE ITEMS Avoid spamming Spam is a term used on the Internet to refer to unwanted e-mail and Usenet postings. These messages are usually planned to attract the recipient into buying a product or service of some kind or into participating in a get-rich- quick scheme.
The senders (known as spammers) usually share out their messages to thousands or even millions of people at once, and they do not ask their recipients beforehand if they want to receive such mail. Therefore, you will often hear these messages called bulk e-mail, unsolicited e-mail, or junk e- mail.
Avoid Flaming Flaming is abusive or insulting messages sent using the internet. Do not send rude or offensive e-mails or postings. It is bad manners and can get seriously out of control (flame wars). So, do not flame others and if you are flamed, do not respond: you will never win. If you are flamed in a forum or chat room, or if you receive hateful e-mail, let your parents or teachers know
Use emoticons wisely When you talk with someone, the tone of your voice conveys great meaning. To add personality and humour to your messages, use smileys, also known as emoticons. They are expressions you create from the characters on your keyboard. However, avoid messages that are filled with acronyms (such as <BTM> - By The Way) as they may cause confusion.