What is social inequality?
Complete and stick
In what way can people be unequal? Connector Draw a spider diagram like this one and add as many ideas as you can. Employment – some are more likely to get a job or be promoted, while others are unemployed. Gender – there is sexism in our society. Living standards – some have PCs, holidays, large homes, cars, etc. In what way can people be unequal? Health – some live longer and healthier than others. Education – some get better results than other. Ethnicity – there is racism in our society. Age – there is ageism in our society. Income – some get higher wages than others.
Objective To introduce the new Topic: Social inequality.
Social inequality Social inequality refers to an uneven distribution of resources such as money or power, opportunities related to education, employment and health. Social class, gender, ethnicity and age are all sources of inequality in Britain. In other words, resources and opportunities are spread out unevenly between individuals based on their class, gender, ethnicity and age. These inequalities are caused by differences between people in terms of inherited wealth, education and access to employment.
Task 1 Work in groups of 3. Read the scenario on the next slide. Use the cards to decide what you will do with each person and complete the grid. Person Reasons to save Reasons not to save Final decision
Scenario A nuclear bomb has been tracked by NATO and is 15 minutes away from obliterating the Earth. You are in the local council’s bomb shelter with 15 others who were nearby when the alarm was sounded. In the shelter there is only enough food for eight (whatever their age), and so seven people must go outside to die. You have been chosen to make the decision about who is to leave and who is to stay. Try to reach a unanimous verdict on who is to be allowed to remain and later form part of a new society. The cards contain the information about the occupants of your shelter. Use them to decide who goes and who stays and fill in the grid to show your decision making process.
Feedback Who did you decide had to die? Why? Who did you decide to save? Why?
Review Do you think you created social inequality when you decided who was going to live and who was going to die? What factors was the social inequality you created based on?