Science 6 Ms. Turnbull
Pathway to Growth in Learning
90% of the grade comes from assessments of the learning targets 90% of the grade comes from assessments of the learning targets. These are graded using the rubric. 10% of the grade is from assignments (investigations, practice, notes). These are graded on completion of the assignment and are usually between 5 and 20 points each.
Investigation/Practice/Notes For each learning target, there is always an assignment that involves investigation/practice/notes that the entire class completes. Most of it will be done in class. If it is not finished in class, it will become homework for that night. After the assignment is completed, it is to be corrected from the answer key provided in the google classroom and they are to self assess on their learning target sheet before it is turned in. ***Please have your child check their google classroom daily to check what is homework.*** I have sent out invitations for guardian summaries for the google classroom. This sends you an e-mail daily or weekly about what is posted in each of your child’s google classrooms.
Quick Checks can be used as a study guide for the test Quick Checks can be used as a study guide for the test. These will be keep in their spiral notebooks.
Quick check grades are entered into the portal by learning target abbreviation. The grade is later replaced by the final test score.
Extra practice resources will be provided in class and also posted in the google classroom.
After practicing the learning targets that they need to, students show growth in their understanding through their unit test. Quick Check grades are then replaced in the parent portal. Students see their progress which in turn causes further motivation to learn.
Technology and Websites
Contact Information (310) 798-8616 ext. 3755 Friendly reminder that Camp Pali money is due by Friday, September 15th Camp Dates are October 18th-20th Cost is $325 (Cash or check made out to Parras Middle School) There is a link in your child’s google classroom to sign them up.