WORQ WORKSHOP How to Write International Quality Publications Sheena Gardner & Hilary Nesi
Aims: To consider the process of writing for international publication - from the generation of publishable ideas to article promotion, post publication. Peer review might seem like this for you. Its not quite that but seems that way. Again, I hope this session will give you some more guidance on how it works behind the scenes.
Three minute task What is the “Take Home Message” for your article? Write one or two short sentences explaining this in a way that colleagues from other disciplines will be able to understand.
Workshop Outline Part 1: Getting started break Part 2: Writing a research article Part 3: Submission, review and promotion
Part 1: Getting Started Understanding your contribution Choosing an appropriate journal Checking metrics and indices
Why do you want to publish your work? Is it interesting? Is it a current hot topic? Have you provided solutions to some difficult problems? Is the content sufficient (or too much) for a full article? Do the results advance knowledge and understanding in your field? Important! You have to be able to answer the question “so what?”
Select the best journal for you Look at your references – what journals do they come from? Who are the editors? Board members? Have you heard of them? What kind of articles do these journals publish? Are they more theoretical or applied? Are they more quantitative or qualitative? Who do you think they are written for? What are the ‘hot topics’? What is the scope of the journal? Use the journal home page and SCImago http://www.scimagojr.com/
SCImago search result
SCImago search result
SCImago search result The h-index measures productivity and citation impact based on the number of citations papers have received in other publications
SCImago search result SJR measures the influence of a journal according to number of citations and the importance or prestige of the citing journals
SCImago search result Studies in Higher Education is now in the 1st Quartile
SJR: SCImago Journal Rank
Subject Area Differences
Journal Impact Factor (IF)?
Do you want to publish Open Access? Subscription Articles are made available to subscribers (also perhaps through access programs- e.g. to developing countries). Gold Open Access Articles are freely available to both subscribers and the wider public with permitted reuse. Green Open Access Free access to your article, via the journal’s open archive or self-archiving
This may involve payment Subscription Articles are made available to subscribers (also perhaps through access programs- e.g. to developing countries). Gold Open Access Articles are freely available to both subscribers and the wider public with permitted reuse. Green Open Access Free access to your article, via the journal’s open archive or self-archiving
There may be a time delay! (embargo period) Subscription Articles are made available to subscribers (also perhaps through access programs- e.g. to developing countries). Gold Open Access Articles are freely available to both subscribers and the wider public with permitted reuse. Green Open Access Free access to your article, via the journal’s open archive or self-archiving
Summary: Steps to getting started 1. Identify your contribution (a paper is not a project) 2. Identify your audience who wants to know what you have to say? and have you cited their work? 3. Choose a target journal Q1 or possibly Q2 check H-index (differs by discipline) international or regional single or multiple disciplines/ approaches paper/ online/ open access 4. Next step: Check Author Guidelines and Published Articles