Assignment Log Terrestrial Ecology: Check #1 Day of Chapter 3 Reading Quiz Name of assignment: Problems to be done for full credit: Points: Ecosystem Stability 1-4 5 Comp. of an ecosystem 1-2 2. Environmental pH Data table, Analysis 1-13, Extension a-c and a-d 10 3. Tragedy of the commons Data table, 1-8, 9a-c and 10 a-d 10 4. The hydrological cycle 1-5 10 The carbon cycle 1-9 The nitrogen cycle 1-9
Assignment Log Terrestrial Ecology: Check #2 Day of Chapter 7 Reading Quiz Name of assignment: Problems to be done for full credit: Points: 1. Oh what a tangled web Food chain and 1-5, completed table, Food web and 1-16 10 2. The carbon budget Completed Chart, 1-10 and 11 a-e 10 3. Factors affecting biome dist. 1-2 5 World distribution of biomes 1-3 The effects of temperature on biomes 1-4 4. Strange days on planet earth: Invaders 1-24, extension a-c and a-c 5 5. Estimating population size Data table and analysis 1-3 5
Assignment Log Terrestrial Ecology: Check #3 Day of Terrestrial Ecology Test (Unit #2 Test) Name of assignment: Problems to be done for full credit: Points: Strange days on planet earth: Predators 1-6, 1-7, 1-6 extension 1 a-d and 2 a-c 10 2. Primary succession 1-3 5 Secondary succession 1-5 3. Weather Reading 1-20, 21 a-e 10 4. Take home test 1-50 5