Use of Human Embryos: Law LI: I will understand the UK Law and the HFEA Guidelines on regulating the use of human embryos. Success: Design a Leaflet on The HFEA Guidelines and UK Law.
UK LAW Human fertilisation and Embryo Authority (HFEA) set up to monitor the use and treatment of embryos. UK law summed up in the HFEA Act 1990. The Act sets down guidelines for the use of embryos and ensures research is strictly regulated. Licenses must be obtained before research can be carried out. Embryos cannot be created for the purpose of pure research. Consent from the provider must be obtained before any research can be carried out. Embryos can only be used up to 14 days after fertilisation. After this time they must be destroyed.
Drawbacks of the UK Law Scientific research has been slowed down Research is more costly because of various safeguards Court cases on the ownership of sperm/egg Research has been limited Allows human beings to be killed Denies embryos the automatic right to life. Treats embryos like commodities that are disposed of when not required.
The HFE Act CLICK HERE Is responsible for controlling the creation and use in research of embryos up to 14 days. Includes research which may generate embryonic stem cells. Approves ALL embryo research, whether publicly or privately funded. Unlawful in UK for embryonic stem cells to be generated without a licence from the HFEA
Sex selection banned for social reasons Protects the welfare of the unborn child Assists parents in same sex relationships to have children and be recognised as parents. Manages DATA of HFEA information Inspects IVF and research facilities Sets limits for storage of sperm and eggs Limits embryo research
Drawbacks of HFA Act Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill/Act (SPUC Response) Act is immoral Fails to recognise humanity of the embryo Allows abuse of embryos through research Raises questions about who should be parents Creates scope for the creation of designer babies Allows science too much freedom.
Advantages Act is acceptable Allows infertile couples to have children Protects the unborn child Affirms the right of all to be parents. Prevents abuse of research Prevents abuse of PGS
Design an Illustrated Leaflet Summarise the UK Law HFEA Guidelines Issues: Advantages/Disadvantages of the law
Ethical Issue Uses of Embryos UNACCEPTABLE ? ACCEPTABLE ? Targeted Drugs Genetic Tests Gene Therapy Embryo Selection Research Cloning Cloned Babies Designer Babies New Species UNACCEPTABLE ? ACCEPTABLE ?