Keyboarding – Hand Placement Hand Placement Web Site
Left Hand
F Put your left hand index finger on the F you will probably fill a line for people that are blind ("Finger placement," 2007)
D Put your left hand middle finger on the D ("Finger placement," 2007)
S Put your ring finger on the S ("Finger placement," 2007)
A Put your pinky finger on the A ("Finger placement," 2007)
Space Bar And last but not least for your left hand put your thumb on the left hand side of the space bar ("Finger placement," 2007)
Right Hand
J Put your right hand index finger on the J key you will probably fill a line. ("Finger placement," 2007)
K Put your middle finger on the K ("Finger placement," 2007)
L Put your ring finger on the L ("Finger placement," 2007)
; Put your pinky on the : and ; signs ("Finger placement," 2007)
Space Bar And last but not least for your right hand put your thumb on the right hand side of the space bar ("Finger placement," 2007)
Works Cited Finger placement. (2007). Retrieved from