By: Lexi Wright & Autumn Heath Suicide By: Lexi Wright & Autumn Heath
Suicide is …. The intentional taking of one’s own life.
Main reasons for teen suicide attempts: Feeling hopeless Fear of disappointing others Bullying Trying to fit in socially Problems with relationships and friendships
Suicide among teenagers: Second leading death in ages 10-24 Girls most common to attempt overdose. Boys most common to try more lethal ways.
One time is bad but twice??? After having psychological help 20% of makes attempt again 58% of girls attempt suicide twice. Many teens self harm before attempting
All in one location: 422 total hospitalized suicide attempts 115 attempts made by 112 boys 303 attempts made by 247 girls
The number of suicide attempts DAILY in the year of 2016. 5,240 The number of suicide attempts DAILY in the year of 2016.
Of all high school students seriously considered attempting. 19.3% Of all high school students seriously considered attempting.
Seeking help: Trusted adults Therapy & counseling Suicide hotline- 1800-273-8255 Hotline is available 24/7 Completely confidential
Look out for: Talking about killing oneself or harming Strong feeling of hopelessness or being trapped Unusual goodbye calls and visits A sudden switch out of depression ⅘ teens that attempt show warning signs like these 14.5% planned out their attempts