Introduction Body Conclusion Parts of a Speech Introduction Body Conclusion
Introduction to a Speech A lligators A te C razy P izzas
Introduction, continued A lligators ……………. Attention-gainer A te …………………… Audience C razy ……………….. Credibility P izzas ………………… Preview
Attention-gainer Get your audience’s attention! Use a quote, question, story, statistic, joke, or statement. Then introduce your topic. I’m doing a speech on the IAM. Give me an example of possible attention-gainers.
Relate to the Audience Give your audience a reason to listen! Use proximity. Proximity means close in time or space. Example from a speech on 911 calls: “Since the average American will call 911 at least twice in [his or her] lifetime, then this is one problem we can’t afford to ignore” (Beebe and Beebe 213). What could I say for my IAM speech?
Credibility Get your audience to trust you! “Why should they listen to me?” “What is my background with respect to the topic?” “Am I personally committed to the issues about which I am going to speak?” The answers to these questions will help you form a statement. How could I appear credible for my IAM speech?
Preview Give your audience the main ideas! Use parallel structure. This is a technique called a road sign. Just like a sign on the side of the road, this gives your audience direction. Example from a speech about racial profiling: “To end these crimes against color, we must first paint an accurate picture of the problem, then explore the causes, and finally establish solutions” (Beebe and Beebe 214). Give me an example for my IAM Speech.
What are the major parts of an introduction? Check, Please! What are the major parts of an introduction?
Body The body depends on your speech. The body will contain your main points (from your preview). Always use road signs. Here are body road signs: Firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc. . . . In addition to . . . In other words . . . Not only, as well . . . What would be some good main points for my IAM speech?
Conclusion R attlesnakes R un M onday
Conclusions, continued R attlesnakes………………Road sign Therefore, in conclusion, in summary R un…………………………Review Review your main points again. M onday…………………….Memorable statement Connect back to your attention-gainer.
What could be a good conclusion for my IAM speech? Check, Please! What could be a good conclusion for my IAM speech?