Information Security Awareness
Protective’s Awareness Program New employee LMS training and Annual employee LMS training Quarterly lunch and learn webinars for all (includes road shows) Posters & Swag Awareness page on company intranet site National Security Institute’s monthly SECURITYsense “Information security awareness for every employee” SANS Technology Institute’s monthly OUCH! “A Security Awareness Newsletter for Everyone” Semi-monthly browser-based news and quizzes on the latest security awareness topics Phishing simulations Phishing tournament Information Security "Promoting Security Through Awareness"
Phishing Program Information Security Forward suspicious emails to Cofense PhishMe Simulator Some emails are PhishMe Simulator and some are “build your own” All three types of phishing emails are used (attachment, click, data entry) Four different phishing scenarios per campaign Program started with quarterly phishes in 2015 Today, every employee and contingent worker with a company email address receives one phishing scenario monthly 2019, every employee phished once per month and a spear phish to a targeted group once per month Total mailbox recipient count was 2,800 in 2015 and is currently over 3,400 (20+% increase) Program started with easier “toss ‘em a bone” type emails, then progressively got more difficult as the program matured Information Security "Promoting Security Through Awareness"
Phishing Campaign Results 05/2015 – 10/2018 Directed phishing – phishing targeting specific departments and executives/executive types Information Security "Promoting Security Through Awareness"
Phishing Emails & Hooked Rates Phishing Scenario Title Year % Hooked File from scanner 2015 19.5 Package delivery notice 19.7 Breaking News 4.2 Funny cat pictures 2.8 Traffic citation notice 10.6 Mailbox exceeds authorized limit 6.4 Unauthorized internet access 6.5 Background check was run on you Facebook timeline posting 2016 1.1 Important notice: W-2 Form 6.1 Time off request (negative PTO balance) 36.8 Order confirmation 8.7 Employee raffle 21.2 Digital fax attachment 8.8 Pokemon Go - company policy 6.3 Unpaid invoice 1.7 Password survey 2.0 eCard alert 11.0 Suspicious bank account activity 2017 2.3 Notice from board of accountancy 3.1 Jury duty final notice 0.7 Blank message 0.5 Customer feedback survey 1.8 iPad order 1.4 Information Security "Promoting Security Through Awareness"
Phishing Emails & Hooked Rates Phishing Scenario Title Year % Hooked Computer refresh program 2017 15.3 Attached resume 3.8 Failed print job 6.3 Download and sign 2.0 Unauthorized internet access 3.2 Compromised applications on your desktop 5.0 Inactive email account 2018 Your order has been shipped 6.2 Food truck coupon 0.5 “Equafax” 0.9 Somone has your password 1.7 Employee raffle 8.5 PayPaI order tracking 2.5 Final version of the report 0.7 Forgot attachment (2 part phish) 7.2 New voicemail attached 11.7 Verify your email address 1.0 Recruitment plan attached 3.7 CONFIDENTIAL - Please don’t leak *1.5 Failed email delivery notice *8.1 Office gambling policy *17.0 I hit your car *4.9 Information Security "Promoting Security Through Awareness"
There’s always someone to train! Information Security "Promoting Security Through Awareness"
Questions? Information Security "Promoting Security Through Awareness"