The longest journey – is the 12 inches from the mind to the heart !! Meditation is found in many traditions Christian meditation is the world’s best kept secret!
It is our faith that makes our meditation Christian.
As Christians we meditate because we believe in the Risen Christ, that he lives and he lives in us.
It is our faith that makes our meditation Christian. God is love. Or to use other words: The Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Creator of the Universe, dwells in our hearts, and, in silence is loving to all. Meditating is simply being open to the Spirit of Love, the Spirit of God.”
Meditation is not just about sitting in inner silence and solitude but it is about changing our perception of reality; shifting our perception to tune into Higher reality. In fact we are moving from our ‘ego’ to the true self. We have to start to live out of our true self in Christ. Moreover God does not only dwell within me but in others too. That alters my behaviour.
Fruits shown in actions “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me....Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee?...”Truly I say to you, as you did it to the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25: 35-40) Fruits shown in actions
All wisdom traditions would agree.
But a different way of praying But a different way of praying. Meditation is not talking to God or thinking about God, but being with God:
“This is the beginning of that passage to an interior religion which every religion has to undergo if it is to survive.......From reliance on external rites and doctrines religion has to pass to the experience of God in the heart.” (Bede Griffiths OSB) Natural development in a person, who takes prayer seriously. We do this spontaneously as an outcome of many different ways of prayer
(Evagrius of Pontus 4th c) “The effects of keeping the commandments do not suffice to heal the powers of the soul completely – they must be complemented by a contemplative activity and this activity must penetrate to the Spirit.” (Evagrius of Pontus 4th c) Importance of scripture as foundation. Same for Buddhists: the precepts But more is needed
It brings all prayer together in the centre of silence.
Is it authentically Christian Is it authentically Christian? “Do not be perturbed but hold the Lord Christ in reverence in your hearts” (1 Peter 3:15)
Essence of interiority and silence.
“We pray in our room when we withdraw our hearts completely from the clatter of every thought and concern and disclose our prayers to the Lord in secret, as it were intimately. We pray with the door shut when, with closed lips and in total silence, we pray to the searcher not of voices but of hearts.” (John Cassian 365-433) Cassian’s explanation. Desert hermits would use only an established tradition.
Few words in prayer brought out in Scripture. In your prayers do not go babbling on like the heathen, who imagine that the more they say the more likely they are to be heard. (Matt 6:7-8) Prayer of the tax-gatherer – “O God, have mercy on me, sinner that I am.” (Luke 18: 10-14) Few words in prayer brought out in Scripture.
“O God make speed to save us; O Lord make haste to help us.” (John Cassian) “Let the mind hold ceaselessly to this formula…until it renounces and rejects the whole abundance of thought.” Meditation, use of mantra is prayer and leads to contemplation – ‘being in the Temple’ The one word leads to silence, which is God’s presence. ‘Nothing describes God as well as silence.’ (Meister Eckhart)
John Main’s rediscovery of this tradition of prayer in the writings of 4th Century by John Cassian. He stressed it was for everyone.
Explain that John Main used the word mantra, as it was an accepted word from the 60’s onwards for a sacred phrase used in prayer. Maranatha is very neutral. Could be used in multicultural environment.
An enduring tradition throughout the ages.
Say your mantra clearly and silently in your mind. Listen to the Mantra as your sound it. The Mantra will start to sound clearly, gently and continuously in your heart. Say it as an expression of faith and love. If possible, combine the saying of the Mantra with your breathing. Learning to meditate is not just a matter of mastering a technique. It is much more learning to appreciate and respond to the depth of your own nature. (John Main)
First discovery on starting to meditate First discovery on starting to meditate! “When we begin to meditate we recognize the constant whirl going on in our mind. The task of meditation is to bring all of this mobile and distracted mind to stillness, silence and concentration.”
“A brother came to Abba Pastor and said: ‘Many distracting thoughts come into my mind, and I am in danger because of them. Then the elder thrust him out in the open air and said: ’Open up the garments about your chest and catch the wind in them. But he replied: ‘This I cannot do.’ So the elder said to him:’ If you cannot catch the wind, neither can you prevent distracting thoughts from coming into your head.” Acceptance as a natural part of your being
Our mantra is our surf board
Leaving thoughts behind is transcending the ego.