The game must show deep understanding of The Pearl. Work with 1-3 people to create an original board style game that retells the parable. The game must show deep understanding of The Pearl. You will be provided one six-sided die. You may use the book, your notes, memory, and imagination. You must display understanding of the narrative plot structure. Decorate board with a title, symbols and pictures. Create symbolic game pieces. Make a game people will want to play! Be sure to make the game spaces large (at least 2“ x 2”) Do not make a lot of spaces. Make about 25 spaces. Write crystal clear game play and rules.
Make the game easy to understand, simple to play and win Make the game easy to understand, simple to play and win. Someone with little to no knowledge of The Pearl will not be confused by the game. In fact, they will enjoy and learn while playing. You will need to make clear directions (rules of play). You may make game cards, move back or forward spaces, lose a turn spaces, etc. No question cards. All games spaces say something and explain why. The game’s design/format is up to you. You may copy an existing layout (Candyland, Snakes and Ladders, etc.) or make up an entirely original design.
QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF AS YOU MAKE THE GAME Are your game pieces symbolic? Are your rules on the back of the game? (if so WRONG!) Are the rules crystal clear to understand? Do they explain who goes first? How do you decide who goes first? (Explain in the rules) What is the purpose or goal of the games If you land on a space that tells you to do something and it sends you to another space is your turn over or do you do what that new space says? (Explain this clearly in the rules) How do you win? Land on the winning space with the exact number? If so, what if you roll over the number needed? (Explain in the rules) No major spoilers! You may allude to what happens to Coyotito but do not clearly mention it.