Data Pipeline Town Hall May 9th 2019


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Presentation transcript:

Data Pipeline Town Hall May 9th 2019 The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 Data Pipeline support email is

Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you

Colorado Department of Education Identity Management Access Management Frequently Asked Questions 1-12 #12 Where can I find the Identity Management role mappings for Data Pipeline and other applications? agementGroups.xls

What is PII? Student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is defined by state and federal laws as information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies an individual This includes direct identifiers (i.e. name, SASID, etc.) Includes information that when combined is identifiable Colorado’s Student Data Transparency and Security Act introduces a number of new requirements for how Student PII is collected, used and shared CDE has prepared guidance on how to comply with this and other privacy laws which can be found here:

How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions, requirements, etc. Ensure that you are following local policies when transmitting PII to any third party Use secure methods to transfer any PII to CDE Call CDE (303-866-6395) with questions about how to transmit PII securely Use Syncplicity to encrypt emails to CDE Avoid sending PII via unencrypted email or to unsecured faxes when sharing data between or within districts Do not use PII in trainings, presentations, etc. Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords


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Open Data Pipeline Collections 5/26/2019 Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshots Teacher Student Data Link Snapshot (for migrant students) End of Year Special Education Discipline Special Education EOY Coming Soon SBDs

Student Biographical Data (SBDs)

5/26/2019 SBDs Please download the SBD Manual! Training walkthrough

5/26/2019 SBDs SBD Reviews provide districts with a final opportunity to verify the accuracy of student data prior to reporting and accountability calculations Data comes from the vendor systems Most vendors allow for clean up in their data systems (only CO PSAT/SAT does not) SBD includes additional data validation checks that are not possible within the vendor system (such as SASID validation) SBD is optional but recommended to allow districts to confirm their data against CDE internal systems SAT is very very strongly recommended as it is the only opportunity to review student data!

5/26/2019 SBDs Access to Data Pipeline SBD collections is controlled by the district Local Access Manager (LAM) If you are unable to access Data Pipeline or do not see a collection that you should have access to, contact your LAM CDE cannot provide access for District Users The following table provides the group code for each SBD Collection Assessment Dates Data Pipeline Group 1 ACCESS for ELLs March 18th-March 27th ACC 2 CO PSAT/SAT May 16th-May 23th SAT 3 CMAS Science/Social Studies and ELA/Math (including CSLA) CoAlt Science/Social Studies May 20st-May 30st CMS 4 CoAlt DLM May 29th-June 5th DLM

SBD support is available through a general phone number and email 5/26/2019 SBDs SBD support is available through a general phone number and email Allows CDE to have multiple people supporting each collection Provides a single point of contact for all collections Emails create support tickets that can be tracked to ensure that questions are answered quickly – Remember not to send student PII by email! Members of multiple CDE units are available to answer different questions (Assessment, Accountability, and Information Management Systems) Phone Number: 720-696-0185 Email address:

SBD Review: Step By Step Guide sbdreviewwebinartrainingppt

5/26/2019 SBDs Find the collection on the Data Pipeline Website under Periodic Collections Download and review the File Layout and Definitions Provides the SBD file layout and collection specific instructions for each field Download and review the Business Rules Describes all errors for the collection

Enter your username and password Check: 5/26/2019 SBDs On the Identity Management website (, select Data Pipeline under Applications on the left side of the screen. Enter your username and password Check: There is no red banner at the top of the screen Your user role is correct The collection you are working on appears on the left side of the screen Most log in issues must be handled by your LAM

Data Pipeline can only check for certain types of errors 5/26/2019 SBDs Data Pipeline can only check for certain types of errors It cannot check that your demographic data is accurate (i.e. a student is actually Hispanic or not) It cannot validate that students have the correct invalidation The Data File Layout will have instructions for how to select the appropriate invalidation Do not change/make up data just to clear errors! If you have a lot of missing data, check a different extract Maybe the interchange data or vendor data is better Making up data can cause issues with reporting and accountability If you have an error that cannot be cleared, but the data is correct contact SBD Support Warnings Warnings are used to inform users of situations that may indicate errors but not necessarily (more than 10% Native American) Warnings do not prevent data submission

5/26/2019 SBDs All SBD collections allow a district to move students between schools within their district Moving between districts is collection specific CMAS – submit a Failsafe document to CDE through Syncplicity CO PSAT/SAT - Do Not send a Failsafe The SBD layout will include the Pre-ID and Testing District and School If these do not match, the student will appear in the SBD data for both districts Both districts will see the student records and have a chance to review the data and agree on the appropriate Responsible District and School (CDE will monitor students submitted with conflicting Responsible Districts and will contact the data respondents) DLM – Do Not send a Failsafe The SBD layout includes the Accountability School and District and the Attendance School (testing) Accountability school and district is updateable If you are moving a student out of your district, contact the receiving district to make sure that they are aware of the student and agree to the move (CDE will also verify moves against RITS and Interchange data)

5/26/2019 SBDs Instructions for applying invalidations during SBD are in the File Layout and Definitions documents There are also instructions for applying invalidations in the assessment materials with details on the appropriate uses of each code ACCESS for ELLs – Goldenrod Sheet CMAS Procedures Manual page 202 CO SAT/PSAT – School Day Supervisor Manual page 52 DLM – DLM Special Circumstance Codes (under CoAlt: Manuals)

PSAT and SAT Specific Fields and Rules

SAT Documents can be found on the Periodic Collection page 5/26/2019 SBDs SAT Documents can be found on the Periodic Collection page Includes a collection specific powerpoint Business Rules are not updated yet, but will be available in time for the collection opening

SBDs There are three sets of district and school fields 5/26/2019 SBDs There are three sets of district and school fields Pre-ID: where the record was submitted during bulk registration Testing: the school that sent in the student test book Responsible: the district and school where the student should be counted for accountability If Pre-ID and Testing district do not match, the record will be split and both districts will see a copy These records will have a CO SAT Record ID Number starting with ‘P’ or ‘T’ Responsible district and school will default to your district so that the accountability variables are calculated correctly if you are keeping the record If you are not the responsible district simply update responsible district and school to the district and school that you believe the student should be in We will only use data submitted in the record coming from the responsible district so you do not need to update any other data for that record, contact SBD Support to ignore errors on this record

After SBD closes the split records will be compared 5/26/2019 SBDs After SBD closes the split records will be compared If both districts agree on the responsible district for that record it will be automatically associated with that district and only the data they submitted will be used for the final data, including invalidations If the two records do not have matching responsible districts then CDE will contact both parties to determine who should receive the record CDE will try to start this before the end of SBD but be prepared to receive phone calls on 5/24 and 5/28 after the window closes

5/26/2019 SBDs Students who are tested at a facility may appear with a blank testing institution If you believe that a student appearing in your SBD was actually tested at a facility, contact SBD Support to verify and get instructions on documentation

5/26/2019 SBDs Students should only take the test for the grade in which they are enrolled on the day of testing If a student is promoted after testing you should not change the grade on the record If a student was promoted between October count and testing they should have taken the test for the grade they were promoted to Students who were promoted to 12th grade after October count may be included due to being in the Pre-ID if they were not invalidated by their school. These students should be invalidated with ’03 – Withdrew Before Testing’ If a student was given the wrong test for their grade at the time of testing please contact SBD Support for further instructions

5/26/2019 SBDs Continuous in District and School are very important fields for accountability Students coded as 0 will not be included in accountability calculations This field is calculated during SBD based on the student’s enrollment at October count but the calculation is based on the initial Responsible District and School If you change the Responsible District or School during SBD please double check that the continuous fields are accurate If you change it to a district that is not yours, remember that your data will not be used so these fields do not need to updated If you get an error when trying to update these fields for records that are staying in your district contact SBD Support for assistance

5/26/2019 SBDs Valid answer sheet received can help with determining the status of a student’s test ‘Y’ means that an answer sheet was received with at least one item response (student will receive a valid score) or an invalidation (student did not test and school provided an invalidation) ‘N’ means that no answer sheet was received for a student who was submitted for Pre-ID ‘B’ means that an answer sheet was received either with a label or bubbled demographic information, but there were no responses or invalidations bubbled on the sheet

5/26/2019 SBDs Invalidation codes may be bubbled on the student answer sheet by the school There may be errors/multiple invalidations and these must be corrected during SBD to a single valid code Invalidations can also be added during SBD If Valid Answer Sheet received is ‘Y’ and there is no invalidation code from the school then that student will receive a valid score and an invalidation should not added Records with no Answer Sheet or a blank answer sheet may need to have invalidations applied Invalidations are only used by CDE assessment and accountability Students will still receive scores through the College Board system if they completed the test If you have a record for a student that is no longer in your district, update the Responsible District and School rather than invalidating

Duplicate records may occur in the following situations: 5/26/2019 SBDs Duplicate records may occur in the following situations: If a student has two valid answer sheets If neither record has an invalidation then the test taken second should be invalidated with ’01’. Contact SBD Support to determine which record should be kept. Duplicates with an invalidation of ’03’ have been removed from the file for 2018-19 If an answer sheet was bubbled rather using a label and the demographic information was not able to be matched to any existing registered record Clearing RITS errors will allow these records to be matched to the pre-id and will resolve the duplication No invalidation should be applied

Phone Number: 720-696-0185 Email address: 5/26/2019 SBDs Phone Number: 720-696-0185 Email address:

READ Collection

READ Data Collection Timeline

READ Act Legislative Update Senate Bill 19-199 has passed: s/2019A/bills/2019a_199_enr.pdf In new legislation there is a 22% reduction to the total distribution amount for per-pupil funds READ funds have always varied based on the total number of SRD students reported so we will not have the exact per-pupil amount until August Districts are expected to complete the budget planning survey as they have in the past

What is the READ Plan Field and Why do we Report it? The READ Act requires the creation and implementation of an individual intervention plan (READ Plan) for students identified as having an SRD The READ Plan field allows CDE to report per the READ Act on when students reach reading competency and are removed from their READ Plan A student’s READ Plan remains in place until the student attains reading competency, regardless of the student’s grade level Districts determine when students reach grade level competency by using a body of evidence to support those decisions

READ Plan “Road Map” Example Spring 2018 Student’s READ Plan is removed suggesting they have demonstrated reading competency Fall 2018 Student was identified as having a significant reading deficiency (SRD) and put on a READ Plan 2nd Grade 3rd Grade Fall 2019 Student not identified with SRD and still demonstrates reading competency in next grade level, suggesting they will remain on-track for meeting important reading outcomes. Middle 2018 Student has gained enough skills to no longer have an SRD, but has not yet made enough progress to be considered reading competent – student remains on READ Plan

How to use the READ plan field for K-3 students: Scenario READ Plan Coding K-3 student identified with an SRD at any time throughout the year (READ Status = 2 SRD) 0 – No (student is not on a READ Plan) 1 – Yes (student has a READ Plan in place) K-3 student never identified with an SRD (READ Status = 1 not SRD) 2 – NA (READ Plan is not applicable since student has not been identified with SRD) K-3 student identified at the beginning of the year as having an SRD and put on a READ Plan, but by the end of the year is testing beyond the cut score for SRD. However, this student has not yet demonstrated reading competency and still has a READ Plan in place K-3 student has demonstrated grade level competency (determined locally) and has been removed from their READ Plan 0 – No (student has been removed from READ Plan)

READ Collection Resources READ Collection resources can be found at: eline Upcoming webinars Data collection timeline Data elements & definitions File layout Business Rules Additional resources such as FAQ document, assessment cut scores for determining SRD, template for submitting budget planning survey, etc. Questions? Contact Whitney Hutton, READ Data Collection Manager Email: Phone: 303-866-6421

RITS Modernization

RITS Update RITS Modernization RITS pilot kick off Tuesday 5-7-2019 *suffix field, Batch & READ EDIS to pilot in the next two weeks *would you like to pilot? System(s) training in mid-late August *coming to your neck of the woods

Civil Rights Data Collection

2017-18 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Open Friday, February 8th Deadline Friday, April 26th May 10th Colorado progress report: 129 certified 14 100% complete (have not certified) 38 over 90% complete AWS (Advance Website) Partner Support: (855) 255-6901 or

2017-18 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

2017-18 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Thank you!!! CRDC contacts are bomb-diggety!!!

Student End of Year

Student End of Year 2018-2019 The End of Year collection opened Tuesday, May 7th. Best Practices for EOY Data Cleaning: Clear interchange errors (Target Date: June 27th) Take a snapshot and review snapshot errors Clear snapshot errors (Target Date: July 25th)

Student End of Year 2018-2019

Student End of Year 2018-2019 Online Resources Errors on the interchange level? Errors on the snapshot level? Trainings Training Materials: Upcoming Webinar Tuesday, May 28th. If you would like a more detailed walkthrough of the EOY process, please contact Amanda to schedule an introductory training.

New Exit Codes for Concurrent Enrollment Students Student End of Year 2018-2019 New Exit Codes for Concurrent Enrollment Students 23 - previous graduate did not complete a postsecondary program 24 - previous graduate completed postsecondary program 96 - graduated and completed a postsecondary program Remember to use the retention code of ‘2’ for 12th Graders being retained for P-Tech and ASCENT. This coding ensures they are included in your 4-year graduation cohort rate.

Special Education Discipline

Special Education Discipline Tuesday, May 7th – date to have Discipline Action file uploaded OR Mark “No Discipline Actions/Exempt” in the Data Pipeline District responsibility (DIS User Role) File doesn’t have to be complete. Okay to add to and/or modify the file throughout the collection It should ideally be pretty complete by July 10th- date to have all Interchange errors resolved Able to reverse exempt status if any reportable Discipline actions occur between now and the end of the school year Sped Discipline Snapshot data is also extracted from these files: Student School Association, Student Demographics, Special Ed Participation, Special Ed Child Next two Deadlines – Thursday, June 6th – date to have at least one Special Ed Discipline Snapshot created *AU responsibility - SPI Role Wednesday, July 10th – date to have all Discipline Action and IEP Interchange errors resolved *District and AU responsibility – DIS and SPE roles Special Education Discipline - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759

Special Education Discipline Trainings: Thank you to those who joined for one of the two webinar trainings! Wednesday May 8th training slides/recording posted here: Bug Status: Discrepancy between error counts on email, error reports, and status dashboard – FIXED Removal of “Update Snapshot Options” on Snapshot screen – coming in the next week! Reminder: Student must be on an active IEP as of the Disciplinary Removal – otherwise, the record is not reported in this collection i.e. the Discipline Action date needs to be between the Start and End dates of Special Education (Participation File) Special Education Discipline - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759

Special Education Discipline Resources Interchange: Snapshot: Timeline File Layout and Definitions Business Rules Templates Questions? Contact: Lindsey Heitman (303) 866-5759

Special Education End of Year

Special Education EOY – Annual Trainings Webinar Training Dates: Wednesday May 15th 2:00 – 4:00 Tuesday May 21st 10:00 - 12:00 Login Information: Call-in number: 1-855-397-4421 Steps for joining a webinar: 1. Go to login link on the date and time of the webinar and choose the option to “Enter as Guest.”  2. With this option you have the opportunity to enter your name; please enter your Administrative Unit code and name (i.e. 64270 - Annie).  A screen will alert you when your request has been confirmed. 3. Once you have entered the room, you may dial into the conference number: 1-855-397-4421 either through your computer or by calling from your phone.  Please remember to mute your phones. *email reminder will be sent prior to webinar! Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759

Special Education End of Year Child File Demographic information 1 record per student Participation File Special Education services information 1 record per student LEVEL 1 EDIT VALIDATIONS Timeline Wednesday July 10th – date to have IEP Interchange errors resolved Tuesday September 10th – date to have Interchange and Snapshot errors resolved Wednesday October 2nd – complete snapshot- final submission due to CDE Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759

School Discipline and Attendance

2018-2019 Collection Dates Date Event April 17th (Wednesday) Collection opens- begin uploading to verify files are being created correctly with accurate information April 23rd (Tuesday) Webinar training from 10-11 am and call in number: 1-855-397-4421  May 15th (Wednesday) Webinar training from 1-2 pm June 14th (Friday) Suggested Date for having all files uploaded June 28th (Friday) Deadline for SDA to be finalized Website: SDA Contact - Annette Severson -

Thank You Next Town Hall: Thursday, May 16, 2019 9 a.m.-10 a.m.