K.OA.4 For any number 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number. Students may use objects or drawings and should record answers with a drawing or equation.
What number do you need to add to make 10? Draw a picture and write and equation to show what number needs to be added to make 10. Ask students to share how they solved the problem.
What Number do you need to add to make 10? Draw a picture and write and equation to show what number needs to be added to make 10. Ask students to share how they solved the problem.
What Number do you need to add to make 10? Draw a picture and write and equation to show what number needs to be added to make 10. Ask students to share how they solved the problem.
What Number do you need to add to make 10? Draw a picture and write and equation to show what number needs to be added to make 10. Ask students to share how they solved the problem.
What Number do you need to add to make 10? Draw a picture and write and equation to show what number needs to be added to make 10. Ask students to share how they solved the problem. Did they count just the 5 chicks or did they include the white chicken?
What Number do you need to add to make 10? Draw a picture and write and equation to show what number needs to be added to make 10. Ask students to share how they solved the problem.