04-16-09 Dekesha Calhoun Kevin Billington Universal Health Care 04-16-09 Dekesha Calhoun Kevin Billington
Universal Health Care Universal Health Care has been a political debate since the mid 20th Century Universal Health Care can increase American Loyalty There are many benefits for incorporating Universal Health Care We as Americans need Universal Health Care
Universal Health Care can Increase American Loyalty According to outsidethebeltway.com, in 2006 over 11,000 Americans immigrated to Canada. Many of whom moved for a better health care system.
There are many benefits for incorporating Universal Health Care On October 2, 2007 Healthcare Economist stated that Canadians have a longer life expectancy, lower infant mortality rate, lower obesity rates, and even a lower GDP (Gross Domestic Product) than the United States.
There are many benefits for incorporating Universal Health Care As of 2005
We as Americans need Universal Health Care Equal people should have equal care Health care is a major issue with every citizen Everyone agrees that our health care system needs a change, but there is a division on how it should be done. Universal health care is the fairest way to achieve national happiness.
Universal Health Care for Everyone! Images via Google Images
No to Universal Health Care Universal Health Care has been a political debate since the mid 20th Century. Main Points Increase in Taxes Decrease in the number of health profession jobs Potentially affect patient care
Increase in Taxes Taxes could raise anywhere from 10% to 20% Coverage for all Americans may cost about 1.5 trillion dollars over the next ten years Government already spends 2.4 trillion dollars a year on health care According to an article in foxnews.com
Dr. John S. O’Shea “Costs will have to be paid for with higher taxes or spending cuts in other areas such as defense, education, or even medical research and development.”
Decrease in the number of health profession jobs. Almost 85 to 95% of private insurance companies will be forced to close doors. According to ourfuture.org and images from google images
Decrease in the number of health profession jobs. WellPoint and United have 33 million and 34 million members This amounts to only 36% of the total national market. According to the American Medical Association in their 2007-2009 edition
Universal Health care would potentially affect patient care A Canadian patient once waited 17.3 weeks for a blood treatment after receiving a referral from a general practitioner. According to a Heritage Foundation article and image from google images
Universal Health care would potentially affect patient care 56% 36% 29% 26% 23% 17% America is the only country above that does NOT have Universal Health Care According to a Heritage Foundation article
Universal Health care would potentially affect patient care Twice as many American seniors with below-median incomes self-report “excellent” health compared to Canadian seniors 11.7% American versus 5.8% Canadian According to a Heritage Foundation article