II. Global Cultures A. What Is Culture? B. Social Groups 1. Culture is the way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs. a) Languages people speak. b) Religions they follow. c) What smaller groups make up their society. d) Also covers daily life, history, and art. 2. Geographers, anthropologists, and archaeologists all study culture. B. Social Groups
II. Global Cultures 1. One way scientists study culture is by looking at different groups of people in a society. a) Most social groups have standards of behavior that group members learn. b) The process by which people adjust their behavior to meet these rules is called socialization. c) Most of us learn how to behave from our families. 2. People belong to ethnic groups, who share a history, religion, and some physical traits. a) The United States is considered to be multicultural which means it has a national culture plus ethnic cultures.
II. Global Cultures C. Language D. Religion b) In some cases people come to believe that their culture is superior to others (ethnocentrism), which can lead to persecution and violence. C. Language 1. Sharing a language is one of the strongest unifying forces for a culture. a) A language might have different dialects, which are different vocabularies and pronounciations. D. Religion 1. In many cultures, religious beliefs and practices help people answer basic questions about life’s meaning. a) 5 major religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, & Judaism.
II. Global Cultures E. History F. Daily Life 1. Stories about the challenges and successes of a culture support certain values and help people develop cultural pride and unity. F. Daily Life 1. Food, clothing, and shelter are basic human needs. a) The home you live in and the clothing that you wear reflect your culture and your physical surroundings.
II. Global Cultures G. Arts H. Government 1. Through music, painting, sculpture, dance, and literature, people expressed. H. Government 1. People need rules in order to live together without conflict. a) Limited or unlimited b) Democracy power is held by the people. c) In a dictatorship the leader rules by force. d) A monarchy is a government led by a king and/or queen.
II. Global Cultures I. Economy J. Inventions and Technologies 1. Geographers study economic activities to see how a culture uses its resources and trades with other places. a) Economic success = quality of life. J. Inventions and Technologies 1. After 8,000 B.C. people learned to farm. a) People could settle in one place. (agricultural revolution) b) This led to civilizations, which are highly developed cultures.
II. Global Cultures K. Cultural Diffusion L. Culture Regions 2. The world remained largely agricultural through the A.D. 1700s until countries started to use machines to produce goods. a) This was the start of the Industrial Revolution. b) The widespread use of machines made economies more productive. K. Cultural Diffusion 1. The process of spreading ideas, languages, or customs from one culture to another is called cultural diffusion. L. Culture Regions
II. Global Cultures M. Global Culture 1. The countries in each culture region generally have similar social groups, governments, economic systems, religions, languages, ethnic groups, and histories. M. Global Culture 1. Globalization is the development of a worldwide culture with an interdependant economy.