Danene Park Occupational Therapist, Bellingham Public Schools interviewed 1 May 2012 at Lowell Park Elementary
„Can you give us some background information on yourself and your current position?“ Used to be a recreational therapist prior to becoming an OT Says that „occupational“ therapist is actually somewhat of a misnomer because it includes more than just teaching job- related functions, for example in her work with children Danene often focuses on daily activities involving many motor skills The OT field apparently developed as a result of the large numbers of veterans that became disabled during WWI and WWII
„Can you give us basic idea of what goals you achieve through your job & what processes/theories are used along the way?“ Danene mainly works with younger children to incorporate „compensatory“ strategies into their daily lives Usually kids are brought to her for OT services due to classroom- based evidence that they are falling below age-appropriate skill development in one or more areas, according to standardized criteria New technology is often helpful in this, for example Danene has children practice their handwriting via an iPad game. Since they can directly touch the iPad, it's a great way to develop those motor skills Danene finds that she has to be very organized and keep herself familiar with each grade level's curriculum in order to be successful at her job.
„Can you give us basic idea of what goals you achieve through your job & what processes or theories are used along the way?“ (cont) An important aspect of Danene's job as an OT working within Bellingham Public Schools is collaboration. According to her, she spends a lot of time working with other school-based professionals following a basic intervention process: 1. teacher or parent speaks up about their child 2. in-class interventions are tried firstld 3. then the child is referred to a team of BPS specialists 4. a meeting with the parent(s) is held 5. it's determined if the child should be assesssed (by whom? why? how?) 6. everyone works together to create an IEP (individualized education plan) for the child
„How do you see your profession changing over the years?“ The need for OT is definitely increasing! Danene thinks is due largely to the recent surge of autism awareness. Also, she says that kids are now facing more stress due to academic pressures which influences their need for OT services Due to this higher demand, Danene finds herself servicing more children within the same time frame. This means she spends less time working directly with each kid, and more time in meetings
„What is your favorite and least favorite part of your work?“ Danene says that the best part of her day is whenever she gets to interact directly with kids. However, due to increased business of her schedule she now spends an average of ½ hour with each child per week, as opposed to the full 1 hour that she used to get. According to Danene, the hardest part of her job is working with children who are dealing with grief and other tough family issues.
Thank you, Danene! Danene also recommended a couple websites for students who may be interested in Occupational Theory. Check 'em out... http://www.aota.org/Consumers.aspx http://www.myteacherpages.com/webpages/SChynoweth/school- based_ot.cfm