GHS and the GH Pathway This year the Global Health Scholars Program is transitioning into a pathway within the internal medicine residency. Therefore the GHS Program will also be called the GH Pathway in Internal Medicine This GH Pathway and its resources have been created to serve the general purpose of assisting any internal medicine resident develop a career in global health It has been structured to create more scholarly accomplishments by the residents who travel abroad The following slides have information about this transition and the pathway
3 GH Pathway Goals 1. Preparing residents for competitive careers in Global Health through: a. Clinical experience b. Research experience c. Capacity building experience d. Knowledge of key topics in Global Health
3 GH Pathway Goals 2. Providing service in Global Health a. Direct patient care b. Capacity building academic medical centers and community partners c. Health advocacy 3. Conducting Global Health research for sustainable solutions with a. Academic medical centers b. Community partners
4 GH Pathway Academic Components 1. Monthly Evening 1.5 hr Didactic GH Core Curriculum (in PGY2 only over 11 months) Journals, Clinical Cases, Speakers, Career, Research Meetings, Practical Sessions, etc. Key GH Topic Lectures (including Research Methodology, Health Systems, Climate Change, etc.) 2. Subspecialty GH ½ Day Clinic Sessions (PGY2 & 3, within protected time) Travel, TB/STI County/City, Casa de Salud, HIV, etc.
4 GH Pathway Academic Components 3. Four Week Combined Clinical and Research International Experience at Wash U or Other Site (at the end of PGY2, within protected time) -travel/transport/accommodations funded 4. Scholarly Presentation (PGY2 & PGY3, PGY3 protected time during subspecialty clinic sessions) IRB Project Submission (PGY2) Abstract Submission (PGY3) Poster Presentation (PGY3, May, Wash U Internal Conference & Other National Conferences) Manuscript Preparation (PGY3, At Least 1 Journal Submission)
GH Pathway Certificate Requirements Exact requirements are to be determined based on first GH Pathway class feedback Tentative requirements include: Near 70% attendance of didactic lectures; based on clinical schedule there can be pre-approved absences Near 70% of GH ½ day clinic session attendance; based on clinical schedule there can be pre-approved absences International or Domestic Field Experience PGY3 (May) Wash U internal conference abstract submission and poster presentation and 1 other national conference abstract submission Manuscript creation and submission to at least 1 journal
3 Year Timeline for Residents PGY1PGY2PGY3 Application OctCore Curriculum IRB Submissions Subspecialty clinics Manuscript Preparation Submit Abstracts Subspecialty clinics Acceptance Jan 1Poster Preparation Select Mentors/Site/Project Topic 4 WK TRAVEL Core Curriculum Subspecialty clinics Manuscript Submission Make Career Development Plan Poster Presentation, Graduate
GH Pathway Application Process Application opens in October Application form CV Applicants are contacted for an interview Application deadline Friday, November 22, 2013 Applicant Selection in December by pathway co-directors Number of applicants selected to be determined based on the quality and number of applicants Maximum 6 pathway residents selected per year; residents will work on projects and travel in pairs There are electives also Total of 8 residents selected per year for both the pathway and electives
Non-GH Pathway Elective This elective is limited to only PGY2s There will only be elective placements if there are openings within the GH Pathway allotted slots The requirements are the same as the GH Pathway EXCEPT: you do not have to attend clinic sessions you have to attend only 2 GH lectures that are related to your project you may not be given the full 4 weeks of protected time funding may differ depending on a separate funding application, which takes into consideration your project site
GH Pathway Project and Site Selection Once accepted, the applicant will select the site, the mentor, and the project based on their career development plan and the GH Pathway resources. Residents can go to sites outside of the Wash U system based on a clear project feasibility plan. Projects should be feasible in a short time frame such as cross sectional surveying on a defined population pre-departure. The resident is required to meet the site director at least once and choose a project mentor in the appropriate field (e.g. sepsis curricula development would be a mentor in IM, ID, or Critical Care). The resident is required to meet with the mentor every 8 weeks or another designated timeline for project planning and for abstract/poster/manuscript completion. communication for reviewing of materials is recommended to save time. If the site mentor and director is different, then the project should be reviewed by the director to ensure cultural competency. Sites should also have a designated onsite mentor if possible to communicate with regarding the project tool prior to arrival and during project piloting and conduction. IRB submission at Wash U is required for projects unless otherwise discussed Travel dates for the project will be decided 1 year in advance for site logistic planning
GH Pathway International Experience Standardized Goals In a low-resource setting to: 1. To view health systems infrastructure (e.g. public vs. private sector) 2. To have a clinical care experience with patients 3. To have a research project experience 4. To have an experience working with different health providers (e.g. doctors, nurses, etc.) and human resources staff in the setting of their clinical and research project 5. To have a personal travel and living experience
GH Pathway Standardized Site Schedule For 6 Months Pre-Departure: Project, Travel Logistics, & Abstract/Poster/Manuscript Planning and Initiation Travel Week 1: visit different hospitals and clinics to understand the country health infrastructure (as feasible) and pilot survey 1 government hospital, 1 government clinic, 1 private clinic/hospital(maybe project site), 1 non-profit community center Different specialties clinics/hospitals/wards such as dermatology, TB, HIV, etc. Go over survey with onsite mentor; pilot survey; finish planning the logistics for survey conduction that was started before arrival Week 2-4: clinical and research experience See patients and teach residents/medical students Conduct project, data entry, data cleaning Within 3-6 Months Post-Arrival: statistical analysis, abstract/poster/manuscript completion
Questions/Concerns There will be flexibility in the selection process and determining project work since this is the first pathway year In creating this pathway, we are interested in your comments and questions Thank you for your time, mentorship, and support!!!