Missions and Settlements
Missions always built close to a river if possible - Large common area Native American Garden Where food is stored
Purposes Mission Settlement Presidios 1) Spread Christianity to the American Indians & 2) teach the Spanish way of life. Missions introduced livestock, fruits, vegetables and industry into the Texas region. Settlement Towns occupied by American Indians. Presidios protected the missions and guarded the land around to be sure there weren't any invasions.
Mission life Every day started with prayer Breakfast Children attend school (including classes in religion) Women wove cloth, molded pottery, and cooked Men worked in the fields, learned carpentry, or blacksmithing Supper Religion classes for the adults Prayers
Father Damián Massanet The viceroy agreed, and in the spring of 1690 Father Massanet, three other friars, and about 100 soldiers set out for East Texas. The first Spanish mission in East Texas 1690 named San Francisco de los Tejas It was a crude log building and contained only a few simple furnishings.
San Francisco de los Tejas
José de Escandón He is known as the colonizer and first governor of the colony of Nuevo Santander. He founded over twenty towns or villas and a number of missions in the colony. He is called the "father" of the lower Rio Grande valley.
Antonio Margil de Jesús Founded missions in San Antonio: San José y San Miguel de Aguayo. They were most successful of all Texas missions. Margil is one of the most famous missionaries to serve in Texas
Mission San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo
Francisco Hidalgo Founded the mission San Juan Bautista. Wanted to expand missions beyond the Rio Grande. His efforts led to the permanent European occupation of Texas in 1716.
Mission San Juan Bautista