10th Grade Week 12 Agenda & Obj. 11/18-11/22 Monday: Research Presentations Tuesday & Wednesday: Novel Study Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text… connotative… Analyze how complex characters… develop… Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development… By the end of Gr.9, read and comprehend literature… Thursday: Writing NANO WRI MO! Writing Practice Friday: Movie
Daily Writing: The Sub 11/18/13 Write a two-paragraph story about a day in class in the first person (using the pronoun “I:) from the point of view of the last substitute teacher you had. OR write a two-paragraph story in the 1st person from the point of view of your mom or dad the last time you had a fight.
Monday: Presentations Take 5 minutes to recap with your group. If you didn’t send me your PPT or paper, you’ll have to wing it! Give me your rubric before you present. Please respect the speakers by LISTENING and taking notes . Notebook title: Presentation on [X] If you don’t give the presenters your FULL attention, your group will lose points.
Daily Writing: Slippery Syllables 11/19/13 Onomatopoeia refers to words that sound like their meaning. Ex: fizz sounds like fizzy, and languid sounds lazy and relaxed. Come up with 5- 10 onomatopoeic words and use them in a sentence. Planner Due tomorrow: Agree/disagree worksheet & reflection if not done in class. NaNo Wri Mo writing goals by Friday.
Journal title: Agree/Disagree Reflection Tuesday: The Crucible Check in with NaNo Wri Mo. Context Clues vocab quiz (Act 1) Fill out the Theme Anticipation Guide: Agree/Disagree & WHY! Debate! One voice, please. RESPECT your peers. After the debate: Journal title: Agree/Disagree Reflection Was there anything you wanted to say but didn’t? Explain. Did your opinion of any of the statements change after the debate? Why or why not? What do you predict that this play will be about based on these statements and your research?
Daily Writing: Marilyn Monroe & Tupac 11/20 Create a dialogue (conversation) between two famous people in script form. The subject could be happiness and what people can do to achieve it. Planner NaNo Wri Mo writing goals by Friday!
Ms. Larson 11,250 Abdirahman 4,500 Fatah 3,750 Fadumo 6,000 Wednesday: NaNo Wri MO Use your time wisely in the computer lab! Goals for THIS FRIDAY! Grab a plot ninja if you need one! Ms. Larson 11,250 Abdirahman 4,500 Fatah 3,750 Fadumo 6,000 Fardosa 3,750 Abdikafi 3,750 Muna 7,500 Deqa 6,000
Daily Writing: Vacation 11/21/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: Where would you most like to go on vacation? Why? What would you do? If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you bring? Has it changed since the last time you’ve answered this question? Explain. Planner Due tomorrow: Review your part of the play. Journal title: My Character Vocab Act I in your notebook. Due Friday or Sunday night: NaNo Wri Mo writing goals. Youth Link Presentation on Friday!
Thursday: Vocab & Expressively Read Go over context clues. Memorize for quiz on Monday to add points! Notebook title: Crucible Vocab Part 1 Write the word, definition, & draw a picture for each word. Practice Youth Link presentation for assembly tomorrow? Move on to EXPRESSIVELY reading!
Thursday: Expressive Reading Cont… Journal title: My Character What is he/she like? What’s his/her attitude like? How does he/she feel? Explain how you will use your voice to demonstrate all of these characteristics and feelings.
Assigned Parts for tomorrow First 20 pages: Narrator & Mary Waren: Muna Tituba & Mercy: Fadumo Paris: Abdirahman Abigail: Deqa Susanna: Fatah Mrs. Putman: Fardosa Mr. Putman (or just Putman): Abdikahfi
Daily Writing: This Week 11/22/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: What did you learn this week? Explain. Is there anything you’d do differently this week? Explain. Planner NaNo Wri Mo writing goals by tonight (or by Sunday…)! Quiz Tuesday on vocab words and Crucible Act I.
Friday: Expressively Read Let me see your vocab and “My Character.” Quick go through YouthLink Prezi for this afternoon. REALLY SELL THIS CLOTHING DRIVE! http://prezi.com/cwjyxeiql2rf/edit/?auth_key =9be5qr3&follow=_hsnedrrkpfd#20 Move on to expressively reading…
Friday: Expressively Read Vocal Variety Vocab handout. These are potential quiz words! Simple synopsis of the Harry Potter series? 2-3minute clip of a professional reading Harry Potter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjIdb6eZ0Aw What did you notice about the way he reads? What are some characteristics that make him a good reader? How does the way he reads add to the meaning of the text?
Watch a little bit of the movie. Friday: Reading Watch a little bit of the movie. Journal title: My Character via Movie Take notes on your characters reactions, attitudes and voice as you watch. EXPRESSIVELY READ!
Hot Seat Designated “hot seat” in front of the room. 2 minutes to ask the seated person any question in a rapid-fire succession. The hot seat member is allowed to say “pass” for any too personal questions — avoid asking anything too personal, as it can ruin the fun. Sample questions: “What would you do if you won the lottery?” “If you could meet and have dinner with any person who ever lived, who would it be and why? What would you ask that person?” “What three words would you use to describe yourself?” Questions can be funny, too, such as: “What was your most embarrassing moment?” “What was your proudest moment?” “What was the silliest thing you’ve ever done?”