Welcome to SNC2P Mr. Ward Room S218
Things to know Bring pens, paper and your science binder every day. Do all of the work and THINK about what you’re doing. Write down everything I write down – unless told NOT to. Listen to what I say. Often this is as important as what I write down. It may take a while to learn how to do both, but it’s key. Get help. Your best resource is me. The second best is your other classmates. Last would be in the library or on the internet. Do the work. All of it. I don’t ask for too much. Do it early. For a small project one day early is good. For a large project make it 3 or 4 days early. Study. Study properly. Study by yourself and with friends. Eat a good breakfast and get lots of sleep. Follow the rules of the class and the school. Arrive on time. Be respectful and polite.
I give away a LOT of the answers on test and quizzes. A lot I give away a LOT of the answers on test and quizzes. A lot. Almost all of them. Everything counts. There are no off days and there are no make-ups. Focus your energy on getting it right the first time. Anything said 3 times will be on the exam or a test. Go to your friends for something simple before you ask me. If you don’t get something…ask. A lot of concepts follow each other. With guidance you’ll find answers, without it you’ll be lost. Talk to your parents or guardians. I will. Double-check the math. Follow the 65% rule. Set lofty goals. Be your own best judge. 70% of the time your 1st instinct is the right one.
Important Topics 1) Course Outlines 2) First Day info forms 3) Liability forms for textbooks 4) Summative Info 5) Tests and mark updates 6) Labs and lab notebooks 7) Missed work and missed information 8) The course website and course calendar 9) Expectations 10) Tonight’s Homework
In-class work time and homework Let’s get to it!