Thursday August 25, 2016
Warm Up-Jim Burke Memoir- Idea Chunk With a partner, discuss some of the agree/disagree statements you came up with and find out how much you have in common!
Jim Burke’s Memoir (15-20 min) In Class Writing Assignment: Jim Burke’s experience with school is a common story for most high school students who feel like they can’t “do school”. How does Jim Burke’s experiences connect with your own thoughts or perspectives on the education system? Please include 1 -2 pages At least 2 examples from Jim Burk (summarize/paraphrase) At least 2 supports (experience, observations, or reading)
Discussion about Writing Directions: With a partner, discuss the following questions: What are some of the issues you had getting started on the writing assignment? Does timing impact the way you write? Why or why not? What are some strategies that you use to ensure you finish writing on time?