The Scientific Method What is it? Mrs. Martins
WHAT is Science? Science is a process Science is an organized way of thinking about the natural world
The Scientific Method is a series of steps scientists use to answer questions or solve problems.
The steps of the Scientific Method
Ask a question Make a Hypothesis Test the Hypothesis Analyze Results 6th Grade. Ask a question Make a Hypothesis Test the Hypothesis Analyze Results Draw Conclusions Communicate Results
Ask a question Conduct Research Make a Hypothesis Test the Hypothesis 7th – 8th Grade Ask a question Conduct Research Make a Hypothesis Test the Hypothesis Analyze Results Draw Conclusions Communicate Results
Ann (Rich) Has Twenty Adorable Dogs and Cats Mnemonics to help remember … Ann (Rich) Has Twenty Adorable Dogs and Cats
Based on making Observations ASK A QUESTION Curiosity, Skeptism, Objective, Logic, Careful observation, Creative Based on making Observations Use the 5 senses -
FORM A HYPOTHESIS Remember: A hypothesis is never wrong! A possible explanation or answer to question; educated guess Then make a prediction – what will happen Must write prediction in “if… then… because… ” (cause…effect… reason…) format. Must be testable Must be measurable Remember: A hypothesis is never wrong!
TEST THE HYPOTHESIS 1 Develop a Procedure Carefully identify all variables Conduct a controlled experiment A “Fair” or unbiased experiment tests only one variable at a time
3 Types of Variables Controlled variables - are all kept constant by scientist throughout the experiment.
2. Manipulated/Independent variable … is what the scientist changes on purpose (the “if” part, or cause)
3. Responding/Dependent Variable - is what you measure (the “then” part, or effect) - Results obtained from changing the independent variable
Variables may be … Quantitative - Can be counted or measured: length, quantity, time Qualitative - Can only be described: quality, color, taste,
The Control Group The set of experiments that contain everything except the manipulated variable
TEST THE HYPOTHESIS 2 If no experiment is possible, do further observation and research If your investigation calls for creating technology, build or model it
ANALYZE RESULTS Collect data into well-made tables and display on graphs Use mathematical tools (like the calculator or computer) to help Analyze your data. Discuss and make sense of it. Is it relevant? Is the Question answered? What information do you get?
DRAW CONCLUSIONS Ask: Do my results support my hypothesis? Is it supported or not supported by the experiment NOT true or false!! Do NOT ask: Is my experiment right or wrong? Explain how or why.
COMMUNICATE RESULTS Check/Share results with colleagues: peer review Publish results in a report, scientific journal, magazine, meetings, in a class, on internet, etc
Writing a Lab Report Title: Question: Research: Hypothesis: Materials: Procedure: Results: Analysis: Conclusion:
Other Terms to Know Technology – application of science, usually to solve problems Theory – unifying explanation for a broad range of observations and hypotheses – answers WHY. Law – Summary of scientific results. WHAT happens or HOW things work, but not WHY