Jessica Burbach, Vice President Jessica Burbach, VP of JETAADC How our chapter approaches creating successful events
Keeping Organized
Flexible Board Structure Number of board positions fluctuates depending on need/interest Optional board positions: co-chairs, Membership Chair, Fundraising Chair, etc. Bring on members to start training them for board positions Encourage officers to plan events they are excited about
Signature Event: Japan Day
Japan Day: Logistics Partnered with Big Brothers Big Sisters 1st time event 350+ attendees: largest event in JETAADC history $1,500 grant from Sasakawa USA
Japan Day: Keeping Organized Formed a taskforce just for the event Created a master spreadsheet to track budget, activities, supplies purchased Clear delegation of responsibilities, empower people to make decisions
Japan Day – Crowdsourcing Asked JETAANY for advice Food donated from a local Japanese restaurant Got Japanese student volunteers through someone on our email listserv JETAADC members demonstrated kendo/mochi pounding/taught calligraphy
Other Events We Do JETs@State events at the State Department JET Talks (modeled after TED Talks) Katsucon/Otakon info panels Federal resume webinar JASW Shinshun Matsuri JET Booth at the Sakura Matsuri Dinner events with Kakehashi Project students Professional development webinars with Ajilon Library of Congress Asia Reading Room tour 10+ events Reception for departing JETs/welcome back reception
Room for Growth Take a high level look at your current goals and events Set small growth goals and revisit them every few months Ex. Hold an event in northern VA once every 3 months Don’t get stuck in a rut - challenge yourself & your chapter!