Nervous Disorders
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome What are the 2 main differences you see??
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Sometimes you can tell, sometimes you can’t!
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FAS stunted growth and distinct facial features Brain damage resulting in difficulty learning, difficulty knowing right from wrong. Depending on when damage occurred during pregnancy: Heart Murmur, Spina bifida, fetal tumors etc.
Multiple Sclerosis An acquired inflammatory, demyelinating disease of the CNS Cells of the immune system invade the CNS and destroy myelin It strikes people in the prime of their lives, usually between 20 and 40 years of age Both genetic and environmental factors have been implicated in the disease.
Multiple Sclerosis
Autism Abnormalities in brain Some studies suggest abnormality exists in specific protein responsible for re-uptake of serotonin
Parkinson’s Disease Progressive degeneration of midbrain Midbrain loses it’s ability to produce dopamine Dopamine is an opiate-like neurotransmitter Dopamine produces feelings of well being Results in muscular tremors, partial facial paralysis and general weakness L-dopa given to slow Watch movie “Awakenings” with Robin Williams
Alzheimer’s Disease Memory robbing disorder Amyloid protein deposits or plaques form in cerebral cortex Memory affected Temporal lobe of cerebrum affected Scientists working to find ways to prevent plaque build up
Schizophrenia Associated with prefrontal cortex Severe disturbances in thinking, social behavior and emotion Today Schizophrenia is thought to be associated with chemical imbalances in the frontal lobe of cerebrum
Spinal Cord Injuries Spinal cord may be damaged by disease or injury If spinal neurons in cervical area damaged: result is complete paralysis This is known as quadriplegia If spinal neurons in lower back (lumbar area) are damaged: paraplegia quad = four para = two
Hydrocephalus Water on the brain Caused by build up of csf due to over production or inability to drain excess csf Pressure builds up and squeezes brain against skull Reduced brain mass and intelligence results Shunt may be implanted to drain csf
Spina Bifida Permanently disabling birth defect. Spine does not close properly in first month. Spinal cord may protrude through the back
Cerebral Palsy Caused by insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus Possibly occurring during birth process Result is reduced or lack of muscle coordination Brains are perfectly normal in terms of learning capabilities
Encephalitis Japanese encephalitis Inflammation of the brain Usually caused by virus or bacteria Encephalitis lethargica (or sleeping sickness) is an example Person feels apathetic, has double vision and extreme weakness Japanese encephalitis Virus transmitted by mosquito Leads to paralysis, seizures and coma
Meningitis Inflammation of membranes surrounding brain and spinal cord Usually caused by virus or bacteria Person has cold symptoms initially then becomes increasingly ill Membranes inflamed include Dura mater, Arachnoid and Pia mater (outer, middle and inner meninges)
Abnormal electrical discharge of brain cells or Misfiring of circuits Epilepsy Abnormal electrical discharge of brain cells or Misfiring of circuits
ADHD Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder Dopamine thought to be reabsorbed too quickly It does not spend enough time in the synapse Ritalin : increases dopamine & norepinephrine
Epilepsy Nervous system disorder that produces sudden, intense bursts of electrical activity in the brain. This abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes seizures which may briefly upset a person's muscle control, movement, speech, vision, or awareness.
Kuru Noticed in New Guinea in early 1900s Women of the region were responsible for preparing the corpse of those who died – often ate brain matter, fed it to children and elderly Eight times more women than men contracted kuru
Kuru Disease has three stages: Ambulant: Individual can still walk, but is uncoordinated, has slurred speech. Sedentary (AKA Laughing Stage) Can’t walk on their own, have tremors and jerkiness Extreme emotions – laughing and crying. Terminal Cannot sit up on their own Urinary & fecal incontinence Sounds like affect of alcohol.
Common Diseases and Disorders Disease/Disorder Description Alzheimer’s disease Progressive, degenerative disease of the brain Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Lou Gehrig’s disease Degeneration of neurons in the spinal cord and brain Bell’s palsy Weak or paralyzed facial muscles
Common Diseases and Disorders (cont.) Disease/Disorder Description Brain tumors and cancers Abnormal growths Can be primary or secondary tumors Most common – gliomas Epilepsy and seizures Occurs as a result of bursts of electrical signals that disrupt normal brain functioning Guillain-Barré Syndrome Body’s immune system attacks the PNS
Common Diseases and Disorders (cont.) Disease/Disorder Description Headaches Tension Migraines Cluster Episodic or chronic With aura/without aura Form of migraines; occurs in groups Meningitis Inflammation of meninges Multiple sclerosis (MS) Chronic disease of CNS Myelin is destroyed
Common Diseases and Disorders (cont.) Disease/Disorder Description Neuralgias Disorders causing nerve pain Parkinson’s disease Progressive and degenerative motor system disorder Sciatica Damage to sciatic nerve Stroke Brain cells die because of an inadequate blood flow; “brain attack”
Apply Your Knowledge Bravo! ANSWER: True or false: ___ Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive degenerative disease of the brain. ___ Epilepsy is due to degenerative neurons in the spinal cord and brain. ___ Neuralgias are motor system disorders. ___ Stroke occurs when brain cells die because of inadequate blood flow. T F Due to a burst of electrical signals that disrupt brain function. F They are group of disorders referred to as nerve pain. T