English 2 - May 5th Agenda: Warm-Up: Good Story Practice Final - Island Group Work Time Wrap-Up discussion Exit Ticket Homework You Will Need Life of Pi Notebook Writing Implement
Warm-Up: Good Story How do you define a good story? Is the story Pi tells in Part 2 a good story? Why?
Practice Final You will be working in groups of 3. Each group will be analyzing a different aspect of the island. Only 4 people will present (extra credit) This is a graded assignment! Work together and do your best.
Homework Due Monday, 5/9 Read up to the end of the book. Answer the following: What is Pi’s mental state while he is in the hospital? What influences Pi’s actions while he is in the hospital?
Exit Ticket As Pi leaves the island, he says “The sea was heavy, the sky grey” (283). What are his feelings as he leaves? Why does he feel that way?