ELECTRO-L General Design May 2004
ELECTRO-L Satellite main characteristics: ELECTRO-L Satellite characteristics ELECTRO-L Satellite main characteristics: - Three-axis high-precision stabilization - In-orbit mass - 1500 kg - Payload mass - 370 kg - Lifetime - 10 years - Power (end of life) - 1700W May 2004
ELECTRO / GOMS Mission LEO Satellite LRIT Station Regional Regional Mission Control Centre PLANETA Regional Regional May 2004
BASIC PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF MSU-GS 1. Number of Channels VIS IR 10 3 7 2. Spectral Range at half maximum of spectral response function (m) 0.5-0.65; 0.65-0.80;0.8-0.9; 3.5-4.0; 5.7-7.0; 7.5-8.5;8.2-9.2; 9.2-10.2; 10.2-11.2; 11.2-12.5 3. Image Frame (deg x deg) 20 0.5 x 20 0.5 4. HRIT Ground Resolution in Subsatellite Point (km) 1.0 (VIS); 4.0 (IR) 5. S/N Ratio for VIS channels 200 6. NET at 300K (K) in the band 3.5-4.0 m in the band 5.7-7.0 m in the band 7.5-12.5 m 0.8 0.4 0.1-0.2 7. Power (W) 150 8. Weight (kg) 88 9. Lifetime of basic and reserve units (years) May 2004
Data from MSU-GS(repeat 30-min cycle) IR VIS 3.5-4.0 μm 5.7-7.0 μm 9.2-10.2 μm 0.5-0.65 μm Cycle time – 30 min Duration of measurements in 7 IR channels – 7 min Duration of measurements in 3 Vis channels –6 min Random image selection and more frequent regime are envisaged 7.5-8.5 μm 10.2-11.2 μm 0.65-0.8 μm 8.2-9.2 μm 11.2-12.5 μm 0.8-0.9 μm May 2004
MSU-GS IR Data Applications IR CHANNELS Ground Resolution 4 Km 5.7 – 7.0 μm - AMW derivation CTH assessment (semi-transparent clouds) 7.5 – 8.5 μm – Detection of stratiform clouds 3.5 – 4.0 μm – Detecting of low-level clouds, fogs SST, LST estimation Detection of fires 9.2 – 10.2 μm - Total Ozone amount monitoring, AMW derivation (lower stratosphere) 10.2 – 11.2 , 11.2 – 12.5 μm - SST, LST derivation, estimating total precipitable water May 2004
MSU-GS VIS Data Applications VIS CHANNELS Ground Resolution 1 Km 0.5-0.65, 0.65-0.8 μm –Cloud and Aerosol Detection 0.8 – 0.9 μm – Cloud Tracking May 2004
Status Update (as of Oct 2009) The nowadays status of the satellite “Electro-L” is the following: all the experimental models and patterns and so on have been fabricated and tested with positive results, the satellite “Electro-L” has been fabricated and is being tested with all its sub-systems and devices except the radiometer MSU-GS that is represented with its technological pattern on board the satellite, the instrument MSU-GS is on the final stage of testing and will be given and fixed on the satellite in two months, the time launch prognosis is in the 1st quarter of the next year. Electro-L2 will follow in 2011
Update courtesy of *ROSCOSMOS* Mr Victor SELIN Chief, Dept. of Automatical Satellite Systems, ROSCOSMOS Dr Alexander GORBUNOV Deputy of General Director-General Designer, FGUE NPP VNIEM Dr Sergey VOLKOV First Deputy of General-Director General Designer, FGUE NPP VNIEM *ROSHYDROMET* Prof Vasily ASMUS State Research Center “Planeta”, Director Dr Victor SAULSKIY Chief, Department of Remote Sensing Satellite Systems, SRC Planeta