History in the Action How are these aspects of the history of the Anglo Saxons seen in the action of the story? Government Relationships Written language Attitude toward women and folklore Religion
Characters’ significance What trait or force does each character represent for the reader? Brecca Edgetho Hnaef Wulfgar Siegemund Hengest Wealthow Hermod Aeschere Unferth Finn Hrunting Higlac Hildeburgh
Symbol What is the symbolic nature of the following? Grendel Beowulf Hrothgar Grendel’s mother Hrunting Battle Settings Heorot Comitatus Wergild Rewards Heirloom weapons
Digressions What is the importance or purpose of each digression? Story of Sigemund and Heremod p. 52 Finnsburg episode p. 55
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