The Pearl Socratic Seminar
Socratic Seminar will be on April 20th Socratic Seminar – Pilot- Copilot You and one other person (you may work alone) will partner up and argue the good and evil aspects of The Pearl (good vs. evil, . . . symbolism of good or evil, etc.) Pull evidence from the novel (CDs) and also be able to explain or defend (CM) the examples. This is a discourse or dialogue (a discussion) not a debate. You need to have your argument points written out on small papers or index cards, etc. You and your partner will switch between the roles of pilot and copilot. Be prepared to participate in both roles!
The Prompts Analyze characters and focus on: How are they victims of greediness? How do their actions show their greediness? Discuss how they treat each other before and after the discovery of the pearl. What judgments can be concluded regarding their characterization and what it is that Steinbeck says about religion, science, and business? How does greed affect Kino and Juana? What lessons can be learned about being greedy?
ARGUMENT SENTENCES STARTERS: I think that ______ because… In my opinion ______ is better since… I feel ______ is best for the reason that… To me, ______ is the correct choice since… COUNTER ARGUMENT SENTENCES STARTERS: _____ said … but I don’t agree with you because… _____ said…,but that is not how I see. In my opinion… _____ said…, and that’s true, but I also think… _____ said, yet some might argue against this because… BUILDING ON WHAT OTHERS HAVE SAID STARTERS: To piggyback off the idea of ___, … I also have an example of ____, … ____ said ___, and I would add that… ____ said ___, and some people might say that…