African project for the implementation of the 2008 SNA Results and good practices 5th meeting of CSC, Tunis, october/November 2016
Summary 1. Introduction 2. Mains actions conduct by Afristat 3. Examples of results and good practices 4. Constraints 5. Conditions for success 6. Way forward 5th meeting of CSC, Tunis, october/November 2016
Introduction AFRISTAT is : An international organisation which started is operational activities in 1996; A 22 member states (in subsaharian africa) organisation; A Regulatory authority in the harmonization of concepts, standards and statistical methods ; The only one institution with « improve of statistics » as main purpose. National account is the unique thematic with price index where he has accumulated 20 years of experiences. 5th meeting of CSC, Tunis, october/November 2016
Mains actions conduct by AFRISTAT (1996) Training Preparation of the annual national accounts seminar; Contribution in the organisation of the workshop initiate by AFRITAC West, UEMOA,…. Technical assistance (national level) training in 2008 SNA; Training in the use of the tool of compilation of accounts (ERETES); Establishment of the diagnostic of the process of elaboration of the national accounts; Establishment of the road map after each intervention for the monitoring; …..etc. Support for the mobilisation of financial resources Assistance to the member states in the formulation of theirs requests for reseach of funds; Advise partners in the better way to use to support the country with success in the production of national accounts; 5th meeting of CSC, Tunis, october/November 2016
Mains actions conduct by AFRISTAT (1996) Advocacy and diffusion Talk about national accounts in different meetings (ASSD,….); Regular publication in AFRISTAT’s newsletter named « La Lettre d’AFRISTAT » around national account thematic,….; Some papers are in preparation in order to publish them in the « Stateco » revue ; …..etc. Production of methodological guidelines A comprehensive framework for the migration toward 2008 SNA proposed,…. ; Consultation with the others actors Participation at the statutories meetings of AFRITAC West and Center and vice versa ; Exchange with the REC’s and others partners,…. 5th meeting of CSC, Tunis, october/November 2016
Examples of results and good practices Capacity building in 2008 SNA and use of ERETES tool Djibouti ; Senegal, Mauritania, Guinea, Comoros, Burundi,… UEMOA’s member states,….; Publication of national accounts One year (2013: new based year) published by Djibouti; New data base obtained by Senegal; Update the data base available (Guinea, Mauritania, Comoros…); Regular publication of AFRISTAT’s newsletter named « La Lettre d’AFRISTAT »,….; Participation with Insee at the adaptation of the ERETES tool to the changes in the 2008 SNA; Join actions (workshop, Guinea misson,…). 5th meeting of CSC, Tunis, october/November 2016
Examples of results and good practices Sharing expériences between member states Study trip; South-south coopération with the use of national experts from one country to another ; Use of the same references Harmonised classifications of activities and products ; ERETES tool ; Use of the same methodological guidelines; Etc. 5th meeting of CSC, Tunis, october/November 2016
Constraints Availability of data sources: limited responses rates in the collection of basic data; High mobility in the teams of national account in the NSOs; Heaviness in the effective implementation of statistics law and others institutional reforms; Difficulties to mobilised sustainable (internal) resources. 5th meeting of CSC, Tunis, october/November 2016
Conditions for success Availability of good data sources; Entire support of management in the NSOs; A competent, dynamic and motivated team; Moderate mobility of managerial staff; Availability of the technical assistance; Mobilisation of apropriate resources; Determination of realistic goals. 5th meeting of CSC, Tunis, october/November 2016
Way forward Increase capacity of response of request coming from the NSOs and RECs ; Accelerate the update of the classifications of activities and products used in the countries. Promote their diffusion in all the interior sectors ; Improve the execution of currents projects (Regiontal stat. program of UEMOA, national projects, ..); Finalize projects like SCB 4.2; Continue capacity building ; Continue the coordination between partners or actors; Etc. 5th meeting of CSC, Tunis, october/November 2016
Merci 5th meeting of CSC, Tunis, october/November 2016 AGNA meeting, UNCC, Tunis, November 2016