Pronunciation: Wair- thuh -pants Wear The Pants!!!!! Pronunciation: Wair- thuh -pants
Parts Of Speech In the phrase, Wear the pants, there are three parts of speech, the verb, which would be “Wear”, the article, which would be, “the”, and the noun which would obviously be, “pants”.
The denotation, or literal meaning of the word is literally what it says: wear the pants. Connotation: Neutral because it doesn’t convey any positive or negative feelings. Its figurative meaning is to take charge of something, but this phrase is usually associated with the husband and wife and who is the boss. Synonyms of the word pants: trousers, pantaloons.
Antonyms of the word and phrase include: Take off the pants, wear a skirt, skirt, kilt, kimono, and…….. A dress. The Etymology: This phrase originated in the 1880s in the Manitoba Free Daily Press. Forms of the word: Wearing the pants. Euphemisms of the phrase: taking charge, taking the initiative.
Uses of the word in a sentence: So, who wears the pants in your family, your wife? She wears the pants, but I get to put on this shirt!
THE END!!! THANKS TO: Google Images,, Urban, Online slang dictionary, and Xfinity for providing the internet connection needed to finish this project!!!