Friendship Speed Dating
Would you rather travel into the past or the future? Why?
What’s the last movie you saw? How was it?
If you could spend a day with any celebrity, who it would be?
If you were going to the Olympics, what sport would you compete in?
What is the most important value in a friendship?
If you were reincarnated as another animal, what animal would it be?
What superpower would you like to have?
What’s your favourite dessert?
What’s your favourite book?
Money and practical limitations aside, what is your dream job?
What’s the most beautiful place you’ve seen?
Is the glass half-empty or half-full (or some other creative answer)?
What is your favourite season?
Do you have siblings? What’s that like?
What’s one of the coolest things you’ve ever seen?
Would you rather go on a relaxing vacation or an adventurous journey?
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
What’s one of your big life goals?
What was the best part of last weekend for you?