Welcome to the … Arcadia Middle School Orchestra Mr. Fink – Director Sign by your name on the attendance sheet. Take an index card On the index cards write. For things you like about orchestra For things you don’t like about orchestra You may have more than one answer. 5/27/2019
Looks like a great year! Wonderful Summer - Relaxing and preparing for the year. Lots of outstanding music ready for this year The number of students participating in orchestra is at an all time high Ten years ago – about 50 2009-2010 – 80 plus 2011-2012 – about 115 !! 5/27/2019
New This Year Orchestra is in Room 125 for most rehearsals. New chairs and stands on the stage. Fewer music teachers. Ms. Davis is at Lakeshore and Buckman Heights Mrs. Thurherr is at West Ridge and Odyssey I’m still here! 5/27/2019
Plan for Today Basic Information - 20 minutes Feedback Sheet - 10 minutes -What are the two orchestra rules? Name That Tune - 15 minutes Assignment - 5 minutes Actions you must take for the next rehearsal 5/27/2019
Basic Information Three Ps Performances and Concerts PBIS Procedures Be Respectful, Be Responsible Be Productive Procedures 5/27/2019
Performances December 7 Winter Concert 7th & 8th Orchestras & Bands December 19 Winter Concert 6th Orchestra & Band March 14 String Festival – District May 15 Spring Concert – 8th Orch. – 7th & 8th Band May 22 Spring Concert - 6th & 7th Orchestra, 6th Band 5/27/2019
How does this apply to Orchestra? PBIS Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Productive How does this apply to Orchestra? 5/27/2019
In Mr. Fink’s Classroom BE RESPECTFUL Listen when others are playing or talking Start the year with only two rules. RULE #1: When my hand is up - be quiet and pay attention Your ability to stay in this class depends on this 5/27/2019
In Mr. Fink’s Classroom BE RESPONSIBLE Come to rehearsal prepared with your instrument, music & other equipment [rosin, shoulder pad, extra strings] RULE #2: You must come to class, on time, with your instrument, music and necessary equipment. Your grade depends on this 5/27/2019
You will be asked these rules again. What are the two rules? RULE #1: When my hand is up - be quiet and pay attention RULE #2: You must come to class with your instrument, music and necessary equipment You will be asked these rules again. 5/27/2019
In Mr. Fink’s Classroom BE PRODUCTIVE Ask: Play with your best effort Focus on improving your playing and performance. Ask: “How can I/we make this better?” “How can I/we make this fun?” “What is the next action?” 5/27/2019
In Mr. Fink’s Classroom BE RESPECTFUL BE RESPONSIBLE BE PRODUCTIVE: RULE #1: Be quiet when I raise my hand. BE RESPONSIBLE RULE #2: Come on time, prepared with your instrument and music. BE PRODUCTIVE: Play with your best effort. 5/27/2019
Behavior Consequences Step One – Time Out and a conversation after class Step Two – Time Out and a conversation with home Step Three – Removal from class OR in some cases Behavior Plan 5/27/2019
Why such strict consequences? The number of students per teacher is high this year. This requires more student responsibility Students who want to learn, deserve a classroom where they are able to learn. 5/27/2019
Procedures Rehearsal Days & Content Planners & Passes Instrument Storage Fire Drills 5/27/2019
Rehearsals Days & Times Grade 6 Day 3 and 5 Period 10 & 11 – 12:40-1:35 Grade 7 Day 3 and 6 Period 3 & 4 – 9:09-10:04 Grade 8 Day 2 - Period 5 and Part of 6 – 10:08 – 11:40(?) Day 5 – Period 5 & 6 – 10:08-11:03 Rehearsals in Room 125 Snow days count as a day. Dismissal time is determined by Mr. Fink 5/27/2019
Rehearsal Content Tuning & Getting Ready to Play Scales and Warm-Up Skills Posture Position Techniques Pieces 5/27/2019
Planners & Passes Always bring your planner to class. It is your ticket in and out of class Use your planner pass Tardiness Bathroom Nurse Passes are signed in between pieces, not during. 5/27/2019
Other Stuff Pencil Sharpener - by the door Tissues – on my desk The only reason to go in the office without permission 5/27/2019
Instrument Storage Make sure your instrument is… Marked clearly with your your name. In a case that is latched or zippered In your assigned cubby, rack or space. 5/27/2019
Fire Drills Be Quiet and Listen for instructions Carefully put down your instrument Exit through the outside door in the back of the room. Walk to your area. 5/27/2019
How to Contact Me School Phone: 966-3163 School Email: Carl.Fink@greece.k12.ny.us Web Page: http://web001.greece.k12.ny.us/webpages/cfink/ www.orKidstra.com 5/27/2019
The Basics – Review TWO RULES Rule #1: RAISED HAND: Be quiet and pay attention Rule #2: BE PREPARED: Be on time with your instrument ready to play. 5/27/2019
Information Sheets Answer the quiz questions Return the paper to the ‘Red Folder’ 5/27/2019
The group may discuss with each other what the title is and why. Name That Tune Count off by … Meet your group by your number Listen to each song and see if you can put the song titles in the correct order. The group may discuss with each other what the title is and why. 5/27/2019
When is our next rehearsal? Sixth Grade - Wednesday September 15 Seventh Grade – Thursday September 16 Eighth Grade – Wednesday September 15 5/27/2019
Actions you must take for the next rehearsal… Assignment Actions you must take for the next rehearsal… Mark your instrument case clearly with your name. Use a luggage tag, tape, labeler, whatever… Bring your instrument to school. 5/27/2019