MEMOIR UNIT English 12- 3rd Quarter 2016-2017
LEARNING TARGETS & ASSESSMENTS I can inspire the actions of others through personal metaphors Manifesto - Annotate manifesto examples - Rough Draft - Individual Conference (1) - Partner Editing
LEARNING TARGETS & ASSESSMENTS Character vs. Personal Flow Chart (Midterm) - Annotate flow chart examples & practice - Rough Draft - Individual Conference (1) - Partner Editing I can understand how choices & consequences in the short term have a larger effect on one’s life.
LEARNING TARGETS & ASSESSMENTS I can make meaning of complex fiction & nonfiction texts SCRs on non-fiction background articles - Editing Weekly Quizzes
GUIDING QUESTIONS At what stage in their lives do people begin choosing their own destinies? When should you decide to change your ways & be who you want to be, not who you’re expected to be? At what stage in your life do people do whatever they want, if at all? How & when do you make the decision to conform or not conform? Are there some things in life that you’re will or not willing to give up for your dream?
THE GLASS CASTLE by: Jeannette Walls The author grew up skinny and neglected, painting her skin with ink markers to camouflage the holes in her clothes. She went to school hungry and at lunch sat with her brother and read books. After lunch, they would search trashcans for discarded food. Jeannette's maternal grandmother sometimes came to their rescue, putting them up in her home and feeding them. But Jeannette's father, Rex, was a stubborn man who had trouble holding down a job, and when his mother-in-law called him worthless, he uprooted his family again. When the older woman died, Jeannette's mother, Rose Mary, inherited the house, which was filled with expensive furnishings. But Rose Mary refused to sell any of the goods even when they went days unable to afford food. What money they did have, Rex tended to whittle away at bars, where he spent many of his days and nights.