Unit VIII Cornell D EQ: Trace the origin of Latinos in the United States and how did Latinos campaign for civil rights and economic justice in the 1960’s?
Latino= AMERICANS of Latin American descent During the 1960’s many Latinos encountered Prejudice and DISCRIMINATION. They lived in SEGREGRATED neighborhoods called “BARRIO”= Spanish speaking neighborhoods. Latinos demanded EQUAL opportunity and respect for their CULTURE and HERITAGE. Latinos are a large and DIVERSE group. 1940’s-1960’s, the Latino population grew from 3 Million to more than 9 MILLION. Latinos have come to the United States primarily from MEXICO, CUBA, PUERTO RICO, Dominican Republic, South America and Central America.
I. Latino Origins MEXICAN Americans= 1848 Mexico ceded California and Southwest territories to the U.S. after the Mexican American war.100,000 Mexicans living in this region are now FOREIGNERS 1910-1920’s Mexican revolution approx. 1 MILLION immigrants. 1930’s: Repatriation 1940-1960’s BRACERO Program= importation of temporary workers from Mexico est. 7 MILLION more making permanent residence in US.
Latino Origins Con’t PUERTO Ricans= CUBAN American= 1898 P.R.’s began immigrating to the US after the occupation of the island during the SPANISH American War 900,000 P.R’s were living in the U.S. by 1960—half a million live in New York 1959 Cubans began settling in New York and FLORIDA to flee Fidel Castro’s Communist rule 350,000 by 1974
Operation Peter Pan 14,000 kids
1980 Mariel Boatlift
125,000 refugees
A. The Farm Workers Movement= Latinos fight for EQUALITY and better ECONOMIC conditions 1962 Cesar Chavez and Delores HUERTA established the United Farm Workers (UFW). They believed farm workers had to UNIONIZE STRIKES--in order to gain more strength to BARGAIN or negotiate for better conditions and pay.
A. The Farm Workers Movement= Latinos fight for EQUALITY and better ECONOMIC conditions Chavez believed in non-violent economic BOYCOTTS (grapes) and MARCHES (Delano to Sacramento) (18:35-24:25) By 1970 the UFW was finally recognized and negotiated for higher WAGES and other benefits.
B. Culture Pride= Latinos focus on HERITAGE and EDUCATION Young Mexicans began to call themselves “CHICANOS or Chicanas”— In the 1960s "Chicano" was accepted as a symbol of self-determination and ethnic PRIDE.
B. Culture Pride= Latinos focus on HERITAGE and EDUCATION (3:00-16:18) “BROWN power” movements were inspired across the country BLACK power and farm worker movements. Action group called the “BROWN BERETS” organized student walkouts— They demanded smaller classes, more Chicano TEACHERS and administrators.
B. Culture Pride= Latinos focus on HERITAGE and EDUCATION In 1968, congress passed the Bilingual EDUCATION Act, which provided funds for schools to develop bilingual and CULTURE heritage programs.
C. Political Power=Latinos began to organize POLTICALLY (0:00-5:23) 1. Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) Created as a means to elect Mexican American to POLITICAL OFFICE Helped ELECT 8 members in the H.O.R. and 1 senator from New Mexico.
C. Political Power=Latinos began to organize POLTICALLY 2. LULAC (The League of United Latin American Citizens) Fought to de-SEGREGATE public schools throughout the southwest LAWSUITS filed in the courts Legal VICTORIES included the 1947 MENDEZ v. Westminster Court ruling Declared that segregating children of "Mexican and Latin descent“ was UNCONSTITUTIONAL
C. Political Power=Latinos began to organize POLTICALLY 3. La RAZA UNIDA (Mexican-American United PARTY) Founded as an alternative to the two party system Won ELECTIONS for mayors, city council, and school boards throughout the Southwest U.S. (50:02—53:57)