ENG 1D1 Tuesday May 26th, 2015
Today’s Agenda Submit Late Journals Finish Act 4 Act 4 Questions Act 3-4 Animation Finish Act 5 Homework: Prepare for Twelfth Night Final Discussion
Last call to submit your fourth journal Late Journals Last call to submit your fourth journal
Act 4.2 Malvolio, locked in a dark room, is being treated like a madman, but Sir Toby is ready to put an end to the joke. Characters in the scene: Maria Feste Sir Toby Malvolio
Act 4.3 Sebastian, already perplexed, is astonished when Olivia demands that he should marry her. Characters in the scene: Sebastian Olivia
Act 4.2 and 4.3 Reader Response Take 10 minutes to respond to the two reader response questions.
Twelfth Night Animation
Act 5 Antonio is brought before Orsino, Olivia claims Viola/Cesario as her newly-betrothed husband, and Sir Toby and Sir Andrew complain about their encounter with Sebastian. The twins are reunited and two marriages are arranged. Malvolio is released from his prison. Characters in the scene: Fabian Feste Orsino Viola First Officer Antonio Olivia Priest Sir Andrew Sir Toby Sebastian
Twelfth Night Final Discussion Click on the image to access the handout. Prepare thoughtful responses; these are due tomorrow!