Some history Abnormal Psychology
Historical context Early beliefs about being ‘good’ – fitting in ‘evil’ – not fitting in, possession, subject to evil 15th C law issued that said those who showed loss of reason were possessed by demons/burnt at stake Important b/c set tone for treatment of those not considered ‘normal’ Consider today – Pope Francis opens up about his mental health
This translated across the decades… Deviation from what was decreed as ‘normal’ punishment as opposed to inquiry Salem witch trials, for example… Plays out in literature The Crucible
Result: Objectification of those who deviated from social/perceived ethical/behavioural/ religious norms… Where did ‘fault’ for being radically different seem to lie?
A ward in ‘Bedlam’ – St Mary’s of Bethlehem, England Social visits to view the mentally ill
The term ‘bedlam’ now refers to… An out-of-control atmosphere Popular culture has adopted term to speak in a derogatory way about behavior If we talk using der lang, we tend to think using der terms. This is an example of where ‘stigma’ comes from
Dr. Pinel (17thC) French doctor, product of 17th C Fr Rev Shock at poor treatment of ment ill; moral treatment; occupational therapy and light work; blamed env stress for ment illness Important: paradigm shift in treatment and belief; positive asylum
Kraepelin and Bleuler (19th C) Mental illness physical origin (somatogenesis) Work led to more formalized approach to diagnosis Renewal in scientific approach to treatment
Medical Model Assumes causes of dysf beh are rooted in phys (neurochem, genetics, hormones etc) Treatment should then be – bio based (drugs/procedures) Responsibility taken from indiv bio system
Electro convulsive therapy (ECT) & media’s role
Misuses of medical model Historically, ie: Soviet Union, political dissidents (those who defect from majority) labelled ‘schizophrenic’ not ‘of sound mind’ so their disagreement couldn’t have been either Raises issue of ‘labelling’ Positive to labelling? Drawback to labelling?
Thomas Szasz - (1962-2012) Humanist approach to treating mentally ill; anti-psychiatry movm’t; ‘problems with living’; wanted to avoid : Labelling ‘She’s depressed’ is much different than ‘She’s struggling right now.” Stigma of individuals Over treatment, $$ to be made from treatment
Finding a way to discuss ‘abnormal’
Rosenhan & Seligman (1984) 7 criteria for what is ‘abnormal’ Does beh cause suffering? Are beh’s maladaptive? Is communication rational? Is beh unpredictable? Are experiences very different from others? Does beh people uncomfortable? Cause strife? Does beh adhere to moral/cultural standards?
Jahoda (1958) Mental health criteria What is ‘healthy mental health’? Healthy self perception Realistic self-esteem/self acceptance Control your beh…balance/autonomy True perception of world Sustain, nurture relationships? Social health Productive in living
Statistic abnormality Numbers important for summary – what about qualitative experience? Do we reduce phenomenal outliers? Memory systems? IQ? Verbal acuity? Emotionally aware?
Norm deviation ‘Punctilio’ & cycling around the SUB Norms vary across cultures Norms change over time… Who decides?
Maladaptive Functioning and distress Is health in danger to self or others? Is distress occurring, for self/others Can we take part in our surroundings?