Data: Picture number Organism and Role Type of relationship
1 Mushroom Forest
2 man Lioness
3 Elephant Grassland
4 Grasshopper Leaves
5 aphid ant
6 Buffalo Cowbird
7 Honey Guide Badger
8 Snail Hermit Crab
9 Tick Deer
10 Warbler Cuckoo
11 Gazelle Ostrich
12 Remora Shark
Key to organisms: Picture number Organism and Role Type of relationship 1 Forest/produces food from sunlight Mushroom/decomposer Producer/decomposer 2 Grassland/produces food from sunlight Elephant/consumes food Producer/consumer 3 Lioness/may hunt or be hunted by man Man/may hunt or be hunted by lion Predator/prey 4 Leaves/produces food from sunlight Grasshopper/consumes leaves 5 Ant/feeds and protects aphids Aphid/produce food for ant Mutualism 6 Buffalo/stir up insects as they walk through grass Cowbird/eats insects the buffalo stirs up. Commensalism 7 Badger/opens bee hive Honey guide/shows badger where bee hive is Mutalism 8 Hermit crab/uses snail shell Snail/discards shell when outgrown 9 Deer/provide home and food Tick/feed on deer blood, pass disease Parasitism 10 Cuckoo/lays eggs in warblers nest Warbler/hatches and feeds cuckoo offspring, warbler chicks may die 11 Ostrich/lives with gazelle herds and helps warn of danger Gazelle/lives with ostrich herds and helps warn of danger Mutualsim 12 Remora/feeds off shark scraps Shark/doesn’t know remora is around