Rate Analysis Rate Analysis of Local Materials (Typical Example) Collection of stone and transportation (for 1 cubic meter) S.N. Description unit Qty Rate (Rs) Amount 1 Collection of stone (Unskilled) m-d 1.4 300 420 2 Transportation Sub-total 720 Miscellaneous @ 5% 36 Total 756
Sand collection/ washing & transportation (1 cubic meter) Aggregate preparation/ collection & transportation (1 cubic meter) S.N. Description unit Qty Rate (Rs) Amount 1 Aggregate preparation (Unskilled) m-d 2.6 300 780 2 Transportation Sub-total 1080 Miscellaneous @ 5% 54 Total 1134 Sand collection/ washing & transportation (1 cubic meter) S.N. Description unit Qty. Rate (Rs) Amount 1 Labour (Unskilled) m-d 3.1 300 930 2 Transportation Sub-total 1230 Miscellaneous @ 5% 61.5 Total 1291.5
Trench excavation in boulder mixed soil (for 1 cubic meter) S.N. Description unit Qty Rate (Rs) Amount 1 Labour (Unskilled) m-d 1.6 300 480 Sub-total Miscellaneous @ 5% 24 Total 504
Rate Analysis (Typical Example)
Rate Analysis (Typical Example)
Rate Analysis (Typical Example)
Rate Analysis (Typical Example)
Rate Analysis (Typical Example)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
Bill of Quantity (BOQ)